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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Names of crimes Названия преступлений

  • arson /Rsn/ - поджог

  • assault /q'sLlt/ - нападение, угроза насилием

  • blackmail /'blxkmeIl/ - шантаж

  • bribery /'braIbqri/ - дача или получение взятки

  • burglary /'bE:glqri/ - берглэри ( насильственное

проникновение в чужое жилище с намерением совершить фелонию)

  • counterfeiting /'kaVntqfItIN/ - фальшивомонетничество

  • disorderly conduct /dIs"Ldqli'kPndAkt/ - нарушение общественного


  • embezzlement /Im'bezlmqnt/ - присвоение или растрата


  • forgery /'fLGqri/ - подлог, подделка документов

  • fraud /frLd/ - мошенничество

  • gambling /'gxmblIN/ - эксплуатация азартных игр

  • hijacking /'haIGxkIN/ - угон транспортного средства,


  • homicide /'hPmIsaId/ - лишение человека жизни,


  • joy riding /'GOI"raIdIN/ - угон автомашины с целью

покататься на ней

  • kidnapping /'kIdnxpIN/ - похищение человека

с целью выкупа

  • larceny/ theft/ stealing /'lRsni/ /Teft/ - похищение имущества

  • manslaughter /'mxn"slLtq/ - непредумышленное убийство

  • mugging /'mAgIN/ - уличное нападение с целью


  • murder /'mE:dq/ - тяжкое убийство

  • perjury /'pE:Gqri/ - лжесвидетельство

  • pickpocketing /'pIk"pPkItIN/ - карманная кража

  • rape /reIp/ - изнасилование

  • robbery /'rPbqri/ - грабеж с насилием или разбой

  • shoplifting /'SPp"lIftIN/ - магазинная кража, кража в


  • smuggling /'smAglIN/ - контрабанда

  • treason /trJzn/ - измена (государственная)

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

    1. Mr. Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger for the public.

    2. The police say five people were arrested for drug-related offences.

    3. The police decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.

    4. We need a positive programme of crime prevention.

    5. Since it was his first offence they let him off with a caution.

    6. A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set free nine criminals.

    7. They threaten to do violence to anyone who stands in their way.

    8. He fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet.

    9. Thirteen people have been charged with treasonan offence which can carry the death penalty.

    10. The local people live in constant fear of violence from young hooligans.

    11. Terrorism is a threat to the whole country.

    12. The punishment should fit the crime.

    13. The government is proposing tougher punishment for officials convicted of corruption.

    14. They have been arrested as suspected drug traffickers.

    15. The maximum penalty for this crime is ten years’ imprisonment.

    16. His punishment will be a deterrent to others.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

threaten are committed punished prevention

were charged deter guilty victim breaks

sentenced prosecuted charges accused

1. They … with resisting arrest.

2. In many countries over half the crimes … by young men between the ages of 16 and 25.

3. If you … me or use any force, I’ll inform the police.

4. She was … with three years in prison.

5. I have no doubt that the man is … and that he deserves punishment.

6. The judge … the thief to six months’ imprisonment.

7. The … men have been given relatively light sentences.

8. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would … criminals from carrying guns.

9. He is being … for two criminal offences.

10. Statistically our chances of being the … of violent crime are remote.

11. An offence is a crime that … a particular law and requires a particular punishment.

12. A young woman admitted three theft … and was put on probation for two years.

13. Measures should be taken to help the … of crime.