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  1. Identification in police investigation

Identification is a most important and vital function of the investigator in any investigation he may conduct.

Some of the methods frequently employed are: portrait parle1, photography and Identikit.

The portrait parle is defined as a verbal picture or description of a human body. It was devised in 1882 by Alphonse Bertillon, a young clerk in the Paris police and is still used as the oldest means of making a physical description. Such commonly used points of personal physical description are ordinarily employed: ethnic data, height, build, head shape, face shape, complexion, hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin, ears, scars, deformities, common blood types, physical defects.

Photography is widely used in identification. Not infrequently witnesses and even officers experience difficulty in accurately describing a person, but when they are shown a photograph they are able to make a positive identification of a person.

The Identikit. In recent years, some of the particular sizes, shapes, angles and other features of the human head have been standardized to the point, that with a description and the manipulation of various plastic overlays of the Identikit, an accurate picture of a person can be made in black and white in a period of a few minutes. Such a picture then may be transmitted by teletype to other agencies, and subsequently printed in newspapers if necessary. This process has truly been an achievement and advancement in the field of identification.


1portrairt parle – словесный портрет

  1. Warrant of arrest

Justice Court – Town of Nashua – County of Albany – State of New York

The people of the state of new york


Name unknown, alias ‘red’, defendant

In the name of the people of the state of New York, to any police officer of the Town of Neshua Police Department:

An accusatory instrument having been filed with this court charging the above named defendant with the offence of Assault in the Second Degree, you are hereby directed to arrest said defendant and to bring him before this court.

Said defendant whose name is unknown but who is called ‘Red’ is described as white, male, age about 35, height 5’ 9” or 5’ 10”, weight 160 – 170 lbs., dark red hair cut brush style, blue eyes, arms noticeably long, limbs on right foot, two-inch cut scar over right eye, one inch new cut line of jaw right side, complexion tan, clothing slovenly, faded blue shirt, stained khaki pants, dirty canvas shoes, no socks, no hat, last residence Denver Rooms, Albany N.Y., occupation construction equipment operator, also works as short order cook, laborer, auto mechanic, drives 1967 blue two-door Ford convertible N.Y. 1969 license MV 1023.

Date of issuance of warrant _________________

Signature of issuing judge _________________

Title of issuing judge _________________

Unit 6 city and city life


  1. direction (n) /dq'rekSn/ - направление

ask for directions - спросить дорогу

give directions - указать дорогу

2) lose (v) lost, lost /lHz/ - терять, лишаться

be lost, get lost - заблудиться

3) look for (v) /lVk/ - искать

4) road (n) /rqVd/ - дорога, шоссе

crossroads (n) /'krPsrqVdz/ - перекрёсток

road junction /'rqVd'GANkSn/ - развилка дорог

road sign/traffic sign /saIn/ - дорожный знак

5) turn (v) /tE:n/ - поворачивать

turn left/right - поворачивать налево/

turn to the left/right направо

turning (n) /'tE:nIN/ - поворот

6) get (v) got, got /get/ - получать, добывать

get to a place - добираться, прибывать


get in/off - входить/сходить, слезать

7) petrol (AmE gas) (n) /'petrql/ /gxs/ - бензин

petrol/gas station /steISn/ - бензозаправочный пункт

8) sightseeing (n) /'saIt"sJIN/ - осмотр


go sightseeing - осматривать


sightseeing tour /tVq/ - экскурсия с целью осмотра


9) drive (v) drove, driven /draIv/ - водить, управлять

careless driving /'keqlqs'draIvIN/ - неосторожное вождение

drunken driving /'drANkqn'draIvIN/ - вождение (автомобиля) в

состоянии алкогольного


driving licence /'draIvIN'laIsns/ - водительские права

(AmE license)

10) change (v) /CeInG/ - 1. менять

2. делать пересадку

11) traffic (n) /'trxfIk/ - движение (дорожное)

traffic light(s) /laIt(s)/ - светофор

traffic jam /Gxm/ - дорожная “пробка”

traffic rules /rHlz/ - правила дорожного


violate traffic rules /'vaIqleIt/ - нарушать правила

дорожного движения

12) cross (v) /krPs/ - пересекать, переходить

crossing (n) /'krPsIN/ - переход (через улицу)

13) miss (v) /mIs/ - пройти мимо, не заметить

14) take (v) took, taken /teIk/ - брать

take somebody somewhere - доставлять, отводить

кого-либо куда-либо take a bus/tram - поехать на автобусе/


15) stay (v) /steI/ - оставаться, гостить

stay at a hotel /hqV'tel/ - останавливаться в


16) vehicle (n) /'vJIkl/ - транспортное средство

motor vehicle /'mqVtq"vJIkl/ - автотранспортное средство

17) stop (v) /stPp/ - останавливаться

a stop/a bus stop - остановка (автобуса)

18) block (n) /blPk/ - квартал

19) park (v) /pRk/ - ставить на стоянку

parking/parking lot/car park - место стоянки

20) accident (n) /'xksIdqnt/ - авария, несчастный случай

road accident - автомобильная авария (ДТП)

21) knock (v) /nPk/ - стучать, ударять

knock down - сбивать, сшибать

22) hit (v) hit, hit /hIt/ - ударять, бить по чему-либо

hit-and-run accident - дорожное происшествие,

в котором водитель,

совершив наезд, скрывается

23) injure (v) /'InGq/ - ранить, травмировать

injury (n) /'InGqri/ - телесное повреждение

24) witness (n) /'wItnIs/ - свидетель

witness (v) /'wItnIs/ - быть свидетелем

25) report (n) /rI'pLt/ - сообщение

report an accident - сообщить об аварии

26) safety (n) /'seIfti/ - безопасность

road safety - безопасность дорожного


27) speed (n) /spJd/ - скорость

speed (v) /spJd/ - мчаться с большой


speeder (n) /'spJdq/ - водитель, превышающий

дозволенную скорость

speeding (n) /'spJdIN/ - превышение дозволенной


speed limit /'spJd'lImIt/ - предельная дозволенная


28) pedestrian (n) /pI'destrIqn/ - пешеход

29) jaywalk (v) /'GeIwLk/ - неосторожно ходить по


30) highway (n) /'haIwei/ - шоссе, автострада

31) fine (n) /faIn/ - штраф

fine (v) /faIn/ - штрафовать

impose a fine /Im'pqVz/ - налагать штраф

32) offence (n) /q'fens/ - правонарушение

33) crime (n) /kraIm/ - преступление

criminal (n) /'krImInql/ - преступник

34) victim (n) /'vIktIm/ - жертва, потерпевший

35) pollute (v) /pq'lHt/ - загрязнять

pollution /pq'lHSn/ - загрязнение

36) litter (n) /'lItq/ - сор, мусор

37) rubbish (n) /'rAbIS/ - хлам, мусор

38) rush hour /'rASaVq/ - час пик

39) population (n) /"pPpjV'leISn/ - население

40) unemployment (n) /"AnIm'plOImqnt/ - безработица

41) suburbs (n) /'sAbE:bz/ - окраина, окрестности, пригород

42) institution (n) /"InstI'tjHSn/ - учреждение

43) architecture (n) /'RkI"tekCq/ - архитектура

architectural (a) /"RkI'tekCqrql/ - архитектурный

44) monument (to somebody) (n)/'mPnjVmqnt/ - памятник (кому-либо)

45) date (v) /deIt/ - датировать

date back to - восходить к определенному


46) found (v) /faVnd/ - основывать

47) citizen (n) /'sItIzn/ - 1. гражданин

2. житель какого-то города

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. I have no sense of direction. I am always getting lost.

  2. Follow the road to the junction and turn left.

  3. Just in front of us we saw a road sign of speed limit.

  4. I couldn’t find the hotel so I asked a policeman for directions.

  5. Traffic lights control the traffic by signaling when vehicles have to stop and when they can go.

  6. There was very little traffic on the road.

  7. He lives three blocks away from here.

  8. An old lady was knocked down by a car on a pedestrian crossing.

  9. He spent much time looking for a place to park the car.

  10. A Times reporter became another victim of a road accident yesterday.

  11. More than a third of all pedestrian injuries are to children.

  12. I got caught in the rush hour traffic.

  13. He got a ₤50 fine for speeding in the centre of the town yesterday.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

blocks traffic turning jams fined

accident injured speeding witnesses

miss limit knocked pollution

1) Trying to find the station I took a wrong … and got completely lost.

2) There was an … near the junction of London Road and Park Avenue.

3) There is usually a lot of … at this time of day and cars can only move very slowly because of traffic … .

4) She walked four … down High Street.

5) He was badly … in a road accident.

6) Were there any … at the scene of the accident?

7) He was … for dangerous driving.

8) He was fined $200 for … last year.

9) There is a 40 kilometres per hour speed … on this road.

10) Much traffic in the centre of the city causes dangerously high level of air …

11) The boy … down by a car got serious injuries.

12) The house is on the corner. You can’t … it.

Task 3. Study the information.