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  1. Burglary

Burglary is one of the specific crimes included in the general category of theft. The definition of burglary may differ in different legal systems. In English law, any entry by an individual into a building as a trespasser1 with intent to commit theft or certain other offenses is burglary. Some jurisdictions recognize an offence of burglary of an automobile – breaking into it to steal the contents. The most important element of burglary is normally the entry into a building with a criminal intent2. Entry without the intent to commit a crime is not burglary – it is merely a trespass3, which is not criminal in many jurisdictions.

A burglar is a person who has entered the building by force and has committed the act of burglary.

The investigation of burglary should attempt to prove first that the crime of burglary was committed; and then, to identify, apprehend and prosecute the burglar. The investigation of burglary concentrates around the place of entry and the scene of crime commission. The scene of crime is the most possible place to find evidence. The search of the scene of crime includes an examination of the place of breaking to find evidence of fingerprints, footprints, tools or other traces.

The method by which an offence was committed may also help to identify the criminal, as many offenders repeatedly commit offences in much the same way. The burglar’s method of entry into the house, the type of property stolen may suggest to the police who is responsible for the crime.


1trespasser - нарушитель владения

2criminal intent - умысел

3trespass – противоправное нарушение владения с причинением вреда




A. Age /eIG/ - возраст

  1. young /jAN/ - молодой

  2. middle-aged /'mIdl"eIGd/ - средних лет

  3. elderly /'eldqli/ - пожилой, почтенный

  4. old /qVld/ - старый

  5. in his/her 30’s - за 30

  6. in his/her late teens /'leIt'tJnz/ - около 20

  7. in his/her early 40’s /'E:li'fLtiz/ - немного за 40

  1. Build /bIld/ - телосложение

8) thin /TIn/ - худощавый, худой

  1. slim /slIm/ - стройный, тонкий

10) frail /freIl/ - хрупкий

11) medium-build /"mJdIqm'bIld/ - среднего телосложения

12) well-built /"wel'bIlt/ - хорошо сложенный

13) stocky /'stPki/ - приземистый,

thickset /"TIk'set/ - коренастый

14) broad-shouldered /"brLd'SqVldqd/ - широкоплечий

15) plump /plAmp/ - полный, пухлый

16) stout /staVt/ - полный, тучный

17) overweight /"qVvq'weIt/ - с избыточным весом

18) fat /fxt/ - толстый, жирный