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Практичне заняття 13



Тема заняття: Питальна форма пасивних речень. Людина і навколишній світ: Великобританія.

Мета заняття: Навчитися утворювати питальну форму пасивних речень. Навчитися розуміти інформацію і висловлюватися про Великобританію.

План вивчення теми

  1. Пасивний стан дієслова.

  2. Людина і навколишній світ.

Методичні рекомендації

1. Щоб навчитися утворювати питальну форму пасивних речень, вивчіть інструкцію 1 та виконайте вправу 1 (с. 81). Література: [ ].

  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту "The United Kingdom" (Частина II).

  2. Прослухайте твердження і підтвердіть, якщо це так.

Example: - The UK is situated on the group of islands.

- Yes, the UK is situated on the group of islands

  1. London is the capital of the UK.

  2. The City is the financial and business centre of London.

  3. The three most famous buildings in London are the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.

  4. The Tower dates in past from the Conquest of 1066.

  5. St. Paul's Cathedral is the finest specimen of Renaissance church architecture in the country.

  6. Westminster Abbey is beautiful for its architecture and the stained-glass windows.

  7. Many famous men and writers were buried in Westminster Abbey.

  8. All British kings and queens are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

9. The Westminster Palace is known as the Houses of Parliament.

10.Buckingham Palace is one of the homes of the King and Queen.

11.Changing the Guard ceremony takes place at Buckingham Palace every day, at 11.30 a.m.

12. Another place of interest in London is Trafalgar Square.

13.In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is a tall monument known as Nelson's


14.There is also the National Gallery with its wonderful collection of works of the

British, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish Schools.

15.The British Museum contains the largest book-stock in Europe.

16. St. James's Park is one of the most beautiful places in London.

    1. Прослухайте твердження і заперечте, якщо ви не згодні.

Example: - The capital of Wales is London.

- No, the capital of Wales is Cardiff.

1. London is the capital of the USA.

  1. The City is the shopping and entertainment centre of London.

  2. The three most famous buildings in London are the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Palace.

  3. The Tower dates in past from the Conquest of 1866.

  4. St. Paul's Cathedral is the finest specimen of Gothic church architecture in the country.

  5. Westminster Abbey is beautiful for its architecture and the park near it.

  6. All British kings and queens were buried in Westminster Abbey.

  7. The Westminster Palace is known as the Houses of Government.

  8. Buckingham Palace is one of the homes of the British Prime Minister.

10. Changing the Guard ceremony takes place at Buckingham Palace on Sundays, at 11.30 a.m.

11. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery.

12.The National Gallery contains the largest book-stock in Europe.

13.The largest book-stock in Europe is in the British National Library.

14.The most beautiful park in London is Hyde Park.

2.4. Зробіть повними подані нижче речення:

  1. The United Kingdom is situated on the group of .

  2. The British Isles include .

  3. Great Britain consists of .

  4. Great Britain is separated from the European countries by .

  5. Britain's climate is generally .

  6. The rivers of Great Britain never .

  7. The British Isles are the home of .

  8. Great Britain is a highly .

  9. Among the modern branches are .

10.Great Britain is a parliamentary .

11 .The country is ruled by the .

12.The British parliament consists of .