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методичка СВ-3 Осипова 2012.doc
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to be delivered — зд. с поставкой, с доставкой

approval — одобрение, утверждение

to stay — оставаться, останавливать­ся, гостить

shipchandler — шипчандлер, постав­щик провизии на судно

victuals [vitlz] — продовольствие, провизия

to radio — радировать, досылать ра­диограмму

in due course — своевременно, над­лежащим образом

reasonable price — умеренная цена

tо order — заказывать

spare parts — запасные части

model — образец

unit — зд. единица измерения

herewith (with this) — настоящим

machinery — машины, машинное обо­рудование

to weigh — весить

extra-weight — тяжеловес, тяжело­весный груз сверх нормы

facilities — зд. оснащение

to communicate — сноситься, сооб­щаться

to advise — уведомить, известить

in compliance with — в соответствии с

further to — в дополнение к

all concerned — участники; заинтере­сованные, затрагиваемые (этим) лица (юр. термин)

to hold liable — возлагать ответст­венность на кого-либо, считать от­ветственным

to handle —- обращаться с чем-либо, обрабатывать

handling — зд. разгрузка

petroleum refinery — нефтеочисти­тельный завод

undersigned — нижеподписавшийся

re: (re) — относительно, о; ссылаясь. на (юр. термин)

as provided — как оговорено, как предусмотрено

in question — о котором идет речь данный

on the understanding — на том усло­вии, что

as yet — все еще; до сих пор

under the circumstances — при дан­ных обстоятельствах

to detain — задерживать

to take note of — обратить внимание, заметить себе

to notify — извещать, уведомлять


I. Answer the following questions:

  1. How many tons of bunker oil were to be supplied to the m/v "Sukhona" in accordance with the Captain's request?

  2. What did the Captain state about the quality and price of the oil?

  3. When was fresh water to be supplied to the same ship?

  4. When did the Captain of the m/v "Pirogov" expect to sail from Cardiff?

  5. When did he expect to arrive in Liverpool?

  6. What victuals did the Captain order from the shipchandlers?

  7. Who was to make arrangements with the shipchandlers about these victuals?

  8. When were the victuals to be delivered to the ship?

  9. What were Messrs. Watson & Co. to instruct the shipchandlers about?

  1. What spare parts did the Captain ask Messrs. Murray & Co. to order for his ship?

  2. To whom were the extra-weights consigned? (See the letter to Messrs. Harry Cross & Co., dated the 19th March,20 . . . ).

  3. When were the consignees to unload these extra-weights?

  4. Who was to pay all expenses connected with the handling of these extra-weights?

  5. What did the Captain of the m/v "Sukhona" inform Messrs. White & Co. about?

  6. When did the laydays expire?

  7. Who was to pay for the ship's demurrage?

  8. On what condition was the cargo to be delivered to Messrs. Warren & Co.?

  9. When did they promise to pay this £ 275.00?

  10. Was this money actually paid?

  11. What did the Captain have to do under these circumstances?

II. Fill in the blanks with the required prepositions where necessary:

1. Please supply my vessel . . . 300 tons . . . fuel oil. 2. The quality is subject . . . our preliminary approval. 3. Please make arrangements . . . shipchandlers . . . supplying our ship . . . provi­sions. 4. The victuals should be . . . good quality and supplied . . . reasonable prices. 5. Kindly order . . . our ship the following sto­res. 6, We have . . . board several cases . . . Electrical Equipment consigned . . . your firm. 7. These cases are shipped . . . Bill of Lading No. 3782. 8. Please communicate . . . Consignees to arrange the unloading . . . the extra-weights. 9. . . . compliance . . . the terms of the Charter Party these expenses must be paid . . . your firm and . . . your own account. 10. I wish to inform you that my vessel is . . . demurrage . . . 5.00 p. m. today. 11. The goods were to be delivered . . . payment . . . £ 275.00. 12. ... the circum­stances I have to stop unloading your cargo.