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Ukraine’s ‘top lawyers’ can be worth knowing

Whether you’re a small businessperson, big foreign investor, oligarch, diplomat, gumshoe … or … citizen, getting to know the top commercial lawyers in Ukraine can come in handy. Why?Because these intelligent, educated and … individuals have some of the best insights into what is … in Ukraine and how to get things done.They know the country’s … laws inside out and how favoritism works in courts. As a result, they know best how to swim successfully in the … waters of this nation’s very … judicial system.They know best how to protect …, open closed doors, seal deals, get permits and pay taxes. They know what … are up to when they adopt legislation that stifles competition or fuels corruption. The list goes on.

In servicing … investors they help bring fresh blood into Ukraine’s economy and know best of all what legislative hurdles are keeping badly needed foreign direct investment out.In servicing domestic ... and their companies, they know what is happening – and far too often … – Ukraine’s heavily monopolized and … economy.Ukraine is not an easy place to do business. … risks is more than wise. Getting out of … when it arises is a matter of survival.

The majority of Ukraine’s top lawyers are …, butWestern-educated. As a result, they stand out in terms of …, know-how and world views from the older… They see and … how far Ukraine has come since its oppressive past and how far it has yet to go before … European or American standards.


approval standards temptation Justice

Parliament pressure judges passed

impact destructive superficial access

Parliamentary rotation judicial force

beginning government limits point

Reform with the hidden aim

2010 was a turning … in judicial reform. On July 7, 2010, the … adopted the Law “On the Judicial System and Status of Judges” despite the promises of President’s prior … of the project with the Venice Commission. It entered into … on July 30 – the day of publication.

This event marked the … of major changes in the judiciary, but was perceived ambiguously. Chief … VasylOnopenko called the adoption of the law a “legislative gamble” and stressed that its… power threw Ukraine back in its democratic development. On October 5, 2010 the … Assembly of the Council of Europe expressed concern that such a law was … with too great haste. The Venice Commission followed a few months later, showing inconsistency of the law with a number of European….

The law has worsened people’s … to justice and created a number of threats to judicial independence. Procedural time limits were reduced as if to counter litigation. When judges adjusted caseloads to follow these new … it resulted in numerous violations of procedural rights of the parties and … handling of cases.

The law created serious leverage for political … on judges. They saw significant politically motivated …: the government propagated in 2010 the resignation of many judges, especially in the higher courts, and then the … forced the transfer of judges to the courts of Kiev – mostly from Donetsk and other eastern regions. Many of these … appointed chief judges and their deputies.The new government did not escape the … to use reform to enhance their … on the courts. Ensuring the right to a fair trial was not the real purpose of … reform.

  1. Match the crime (1–10) with the definition (a–j).

1.counterfeiting a) the exacting of money from someone by threat

2.bribery b) the forcible seizure of a commercial aircraft and the holding of its crew and all passengers as hostages against the acceptance of the hijackers’ demands

3.arson c) a crime against the state to which the allegiance is owed, consists of attempting to overthrow the government or betraying it into the hands of its enemies

4.blackmail d).the crime of offering, giving, receiving or soliciting anything of value with the intent of influencing someone in a responsible position to act contrary his or her duty

5. kidnapping e) the act of copying or imitating a genuine object with the intent of unlawfully distributing the copy

6.treason f) carrying away a person against that person’s will and often holding him or her for ransom

7. airplane hijacking g) the malicious burning of property for some illegal purposesuch as destroying evidence, collecting insurance, or injuringsomeone

8. barratry h)going onto someone’s land without their permission

9. computer crime i) the offence of stirring up lawsuits that have no grounds

10. trespassing j) any crime accomplished through special knowledge of computer technology

  1. Look through the list of crimes given below. Say which of them involves 1) counterfeit money; 2) pornography; 3) hostages; 4) a ransom; 5) heroin; 6) a traitor; 7) state secrets; 8) contraband; 9) a store detective. Give proof to your answers.

blackmail driving without due care and attention

kidnapping mugging

arson drug peddling

trespassing espionage (spying)

manslaughter shoplifting

smuggling treason

forgery hijacking

bigamy obscenity

baby- or wife-battering bribery and corruption

conspiracy petty theft

fraud robbery with violence

  1. Choose the right answer.

a) 1.This was one of the few crimes he did not …

a) achieve b) commit c) make d)perform

2. The …are still holding twelve people hostage on the plane.

a) bandits b) guerrillas c) hijackers d) kidnappers

3. He was charged with a(an) … of currency regulations.

a) break b) breach c) disrespect d) observance

4. Our insurance policy offers immediate … against the risk of burglary, accident or damage by fire.

a) care b) cover c) relief d) security

5.The man jumped out of the window and committed… .

a) death b) homicide c) murder d) suicide

6. “Thieves will be …”

a) liable b) lifted c) persecuted d) prosecuted

7. Police blamed a small hooligan … in the crowd for the violence which occurred.

a) constituent b) division c) element d) portion

8. The police said there was no sign of … entry even though the house had been burgled.

a) broken b) burst c) forced d) smashed

9.The police car raced down the street with the … blaring.

a) alarm b) bell c) gong d)siren

10. The tourist’s camera was … because he has brought into the country illegally.

a) bereaved b) confiscated c) deprived d) extorted

11. Look, Officer. I’m not drunk. I’m as … as a judge.

a) calm b) clear c) sober d) steady

12. He said he would sue us, but I don’t think he’ll … his threat.

a) achieve b) bring about c) carry out d) perform

13. The conspirators were plotting the … of the government.

a) catastrophe b) disaster c) demolition d) overthrow

14. The thieves … the papers all over the room while they were searching for the money.

a) broadcast b) scattered c) sowed d) strayed

15. Ms.Goodheart was completely … by the thief’s disguise.

a) taken away b) taken down c) taken in d) taken up

16. The police caught the thief… .

a) in black and white b) in the red c) red-handed d) true blue

17. He was arrested for trying to pass … notes at the bank.

a) camouflaged b) counterfeit c) fake d) fraudulent

18. He offered me $ 500 to break my contract. That’s ….

a) blackmail b) bribery c) compensation d) reward

19. The child was kidnapped by a notorious … of robbers.

a) crew b) gang c) staff d) team

20. The burglar … silently into the room.

a) crept b) stood c) strode d) wandered

b) 1. The spy … the desk in an attempt to find the secret documents.

a) invaded b) kidnapped c) looted d) ransacked

2. The safe deposit box … a high-pitched sound when it was moved.

a) ejected b) emitted c) expelled d) excluded

3.He … his fist and threatened to hit me.

a) clenched b) clutched c) grabbed d) gripped

4. Thieves got away with a … of jewellery worth thousands of pounds.

a) catch b) haul c) loot d) snatch

5. The burglar’s presence was betrayed by a … floorboard.

a) cracking b) creaking c) crunching d) groaning

6.Smugglers consistently … import regulations.

a) break b) flaunt c) float d) flout

7. Luckily my wallet was handed in to the police with its contents… .

a) contained b) intact c) missing d) preserved

8.The intruder was badly … by the guard dog in the palace garden.

a) damaged b) eaten c) mauled d) violated

9.When the police examined the house they found that the lock had been … with.

a) broken b) hindered c) tampered d)touched

10. The hooligan … the money out of my hand and ran away.

a) clutched b) gripped c) snatched d) withdrew

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Topical Vocabulary “Courts and Trials in Ukraine”:

1. John promised not to leave Chicago and signed the paper. 2. Mr. Johnson is in charge of a list of legal cases that will be heard in his court, your case will be tried by Mr. Joneson. 3. The oblast court’s judge didn’t uphold the verdict of the raion court and sent the case back for judging it in court again. 4. Raion courts hear all types of cases – criminal, civil and administrative ones. 5. You are eligible for the attorney for defence even if you don’t have money to hire him. 6. Do you really accuse him of drinking in public places? Everybody does it! 7. She was sure the judge’s decision wasn’t fair because the judge had got a graft. 8. He couldn’t refer to an arbitration court as he wasn’t a legal entity. 9. The attorney for defence convinced his client to plead guilty. 10. After a long discussion of the prosecutor with the defence counsel, the accused agreed to admit in court that he was guilty of a manslaughter in exchange for not being charged with a murder. 11. The convict knew when the case was brought to the appellate court, the judge’s sure to reduce the sentence. 12. In arbitration courts judges mete out punishment to the losing partyon the advice of the winning party. 13. If the accused is underage the attorney for defence is compulsory in Ukraine. 14. The defence counsel didn’t expect Mrs. Wit to testify against his client. 15. The court of appeal didn’t uphold the decision of the trial court.

  1. Translate the following passages into English using Topical Vocabulary “Courts and Trials in Ukraine”


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Подання апеляції

Для більшості справ, які йдуть на розгляд до суду, завершення слухання є кінцем справи. Однак, деколи одна зі сторін не хоче погоджуватися з результатом розгляду справи у суді і приймає рішення про подання апеляції. Як у кримінальних, так і цивільних справах, сторона, яка програла і хоче оскарження рішення суду, повинна подати апеляцію впродовж 30 днів з моменту завершення справи.

Апеляційний розгляд не дає можливості для нового розгляду справи від початку, тільки в іншому суді. Апеляційні судді не слухають покази свідків і не вивчають докази. Єдине, що вони роблять, це переглядають те, що відбулося у нижчій судовій інстанції. Коли позивач або відповідач оскаржує результат розгляду своєї справи, він стверджує, що було щось неправильно зроблено під час розгляду судом першої інстанції. Якщо апеляційний суд погодиться, то надалі буде розглядатися питання, чи така помилка вплинула на результат розгляду справи. Навіть якщо апеляційний суд прийде до висновку, що нижчий суд зробив помилку, імовірніше – результат залишиться незмінним, якщо справу було вирішено правильно. Однак, якщо апеляційний суд буде переконаний, що помилка суду першої інстанції вплинула на результат розглянутої справи, то буде винесено рішення про повернення справи на повторний розгляд. Апеляційний суд пояснить, яку помилку зробив суддя нижчої інстанції при розгляді справи першого разу і що повинно бути зроблено впродовж другого разу. Справу скерують до суду першої інстанції для подальшого врегулювання.

  1. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong form. Give the correct form.

  1. It isn’t necessary to set the burgle alarm. 2. The judge gave us permission to call a surprised witness.3. Should judges take children into account when sentence their parents? 4. We need prisons in order to keep society safe from dangerous crimes. 5. Many people are taking advantage of the change in the tax unlawful. 6. The state relied upon the testify of two witnesses whose evidence has not only been called into serious question on cross-exam. 7. He spying for the United States. 8. He insisted these photographs were not art but obscene. 9. Best indefensibility is offence. 10. The criminal conspiracist happened to be crushed by a prison officer. 11. He is facing charges of anti-corruption.12. She became assault, wanted to kill herself and had delusions of persecution. 13. When the police searched through all the drawers they found the stolen money and a forgery passport 14. He was arrested on suspect of murder. 15.Little thieved are hanged, but great ones escape.

  1. Read the article and put a phrase or sentence . a) Choose from (1-10) the one which best fits each space. There are two choices you do not need to use. Check your choice in the group.