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Quotations on reading

1. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.

2. “Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest.” The Book of Common Prayer.

3. “Some read to think, these are rare; some to write, these are common; and some read to talk, and these form of great majority.” C.C. Colton.

4. “We read to train the mind, to fill the mind, to rest the mind, to recreate the mind, or to escape the mind.” Holbrook Jackson.

5. “We are what we read.” Mark Crispin Miller.

6. "No furniture is so charming as books, even if you never open them and read a single word." (Sydney Smith)

7. "Books and friends should be few but good." (a proverb)

* * *

Book Review

The book opens with a fascinating portrayal of

educated ... sophisticated

Nothing overtly melodramatic happens over the course of the book.

The book’s ... chapters are laid out in four main sections:

One of the chief delights of this book is ...

Thebook is engagingly well-written

opens things up to the lay reader without the slightest hint of awkwardness or pretension

is well regarded in literary circles both for its candid look at the way ... and for ...

_’s earlier books are more relaxed productions.

His/her earlier books have the additional virtue of looking beyond the specifics of modern life.

Not every book about ... has to shake the earth in order to be worth reading.

The author indulges in lengthy descriptions.

The author is a lyrical ironist.

You see how economically the author sets uphis characters’ relationships

how smoothly he/she shifts between different perspectives

The only thing that limits your pleasure is the sense that the author is ...

Theauthor has woven a garland out of meditations on various aspects of…

shares his/her experience as well as his/her inner thoughts on

writes poignantly about the ... awkwardness of ...

reminds the reader right at the start that…

has a difficult time putting into words…

Theauthor talks about joys and fears of…

knows that much can be suggested by a small gesture

invites the reader to share pleasure of…

The author can’t rest unless he/she knows we're paying attention to...

- a prodigally gifted writer

One of my favourites is/was author's account of...

The readersoaks up details

is compelled to follow the story to the end

is never truly caring much about the characters

The novel contains much elegant and powerful writing

holds great promise for…’s future work

‘s novels continue to breathe the atmosphere of …

character of … sacrifies dignity and moral standing to the claims of love

The story begins proper in…

What gives the story its momentum is ...

... are on display here

Not a paragraph goes without some bracing trope, some ...

From line to line you feel pulled along by an impeccable technician.

The prose here is more exhibitionistic that it was in ""

It stands as one of the great stylistic coups of ... fiction.

Did we catch that phrase about ... ?

The characters are left to their own literary devices.

A literary thriller that finds considerable tension in the emotional landscapes of three main characters.

The writing is direct, the expression of thoughts and feelings remarkably concrete.

Candor and warmth remain a part of ‘…’ charm in “…”

This seems a rather naive view of revealing study of people

  • to dismantle the cartoonish stereotypes prevalent among the young, the middle-aged, and the mass media

  • to discard preconceptions of... as stagnant, stupid

  • to be diametrically opposite

  • to think optimistically

  • to maintain appearance

  • to require harsh adjustment

  • This combination of... factors is this excellent book’s greatest strength

The author explores how ...

is especially acute at spotting pressure points

The author's insights will help people ...

Many will benefit from the author's sound advice on specific issues and problems.

The author's analysis (rarely) goes beyond ...

Theauthor amply demonstrates…

shows that we must revise our concept of…

Thereader is immediately struck by the quality of the writing: direct, colorful, dramatic, humorous, informative and, in some places, touchingly person

is struck by merits and charms

Thebook is Tolstoyan in scope and ambition

is unfailingly interesting

has its exciting moments

accurately reflects

has enjoyed a singular (if equivocal) piece of good fortune

Indeed, the only serious complaint I have about the book is that…

Thebook traces history …

has numerous flashbacks to… (the 20s)

is the canvas depicting…

The novel’s symbolism and frame of ferefence are explicitly Christian.

In … chapter… the description of… shifts from heightened realism to rather incoherent symbolism.

The author’s descriptions are often unclear.

The description of … is diffuse, portentous or awkward.

The book suddenly comes alive in…

The author can be tedious when giving the eader a prolonged close-up

proves masterful in…

gives the reader a sense both of…

The book’s best chapters are those that contain a significant element of… (physical action)

Those passages devoted to ... are invariably clumsy, sometimes remarkably so…

The novel is woefully misshapen.

... is rather hackneyed, but the author doesn't stop from overpaying it.

It is one of a handful of false notes in " "

The book ends on a high note.