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9. Recount the situations with the following:

To encounter, robust build, to make the acquaintance of somebody, till presently, a loquacious creature, to tower over somebody; to withdraw one's offer; with death in one's heart; to set eyes on somebody; to find an occupation; to be by no means a beauty; to expostulate, to be confounded, to be adamant, to hand an advert for insertion, harrowing circumstances, to laugh consumedly, lunatic, to lose one's temper; to come as a surprise; to relax into a smile; to be on tenterhooks; to be ready to start in a month; by no means, to pull strings, no harm to be done; to control one's mirth; to get to do with something; to make up one's mind; to be less likely.

10. Insert missing prepositions or postpositions where necessary:

1. I felt deep sorrow and wanted to confide my troubles ... somebody.  2. The children were so much taken ... that they could not speak for a while; then they decided to think it ... . 3. You don't need to consult ... anybody, you have already passed ... the age when people depend on others. 4. The best way to drive care ... is to sit ... a cafe. 5. One never knows how to address ... young ladies — Miss or Mrs. 6. A lot of people have never set eyes ... skyscrapers. 7. The lady at the table shrugged ... her shoulders and sent ... the waiter. 8. Not everyone has enough tolerance to nurse ... elderly peo­ple but those who have, never give it ... . 9. I encountered ... my old friend in the street, we went to a cafe and talked ... so many things. 10. The most difficult thing for a young author is to hand ... his manuscript to the editor. 11. Younger people are easily influenced ... all sorts of things they see or hear. 12. When the lady was pleased her lips relaxed ... a smile. 13. Quite often the students are asked to sum ... the story. 14. The tenor sang and his assistant accompanied him ... the guitar.

11. Paraphrase the following using essential vocabulary:

1. Our running into each other was merely an unexpected meeting. 2. Flavorful ginger, garlic and a medley of spices produce a strong heat, while also providing an array of health benefits. 3. The central problem is that the number of cases involving companions has doubled in the past decade. 4. They discussed various unspecified matters or events. 5. I haven’t met him till presently. 6. He was talkative, providing a great deal of his introspection in public. 7. To utter surprise of all the relatives their marriage was agreed upon for a particular purpose. 8. He was 6 ft and much taller than the rest of us. 9. He paused when he reached the right position and took away a small amount of clear fluid. 10. As they pulled out, families rushed to the border fence to see relatives they had not seen since 1948. 11. She felt nervous all night, expecting Joe to return at any moment. 12. They soon subsided into a bout of laughter while tears of amusement glistened in their eyes. 13. “Now this is really blackmail,” the villain disagrees. 14. They refused to change their mind to the effect that they would not allow the council to carry out work on the house nor the family to take up residence. 15. His amazing recovery surprised the medical specialists. 16. Arab Americans who came forward to testify at the hearing told equally frightening tales of harassment. 17. His excessive laughter made everyone lose their temper. 18. The prize is in no way certain. 9. He had his uncle get him a promotion by means of influential friends.