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Підручник practice (2).doc
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6. Choose the right equivalent of the following way idioms:

By the way are you thinking of going on holiday?

a. incidentally b. however c. naturally d. newertheless

2. If I’m on your way, I’ll leave the room.

a. I’m confusing you b. I’m trying you c. I’m hindering you d. I’m finding you

3. Every investor is really pleased because profits are way up this year.

a. have gone up some b .have gone up gradually c. have gone up moderately d. have gone up hugely

4. As your house is on our way, we’ll give you a lift home if you like

a. on our trip b. on our route c .on our excursion d. on our crossing

5. At the moment plans are under way and the work should be finished next year

a. in progress b. in the middle c. in order d. in control

6. We don’t usually allow refunds but once in a way I agree

a. often b.directly c. frequently d. occasionally

7. The army commander was very concerned about his troups and would never allow them to be in harm's way

a. in fights b. in battle c. in combat d. in danger

8. You’ll just have to make a decision. You can have in both ways.

a. benefit by cancelling two vertical views b. benefit by agreeing to two opposite views

c. benefit by agreeing to two similar views d. benefit by agreeing to two average views

9. I view of the considerable opposition the members agreed to give way.

a. yield b. sustain c. suspect d. volunteer

10. She left school and immediately started to make her own way without help from her family

a. find her living b. try her living c. earn her living d .hold her living

7. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:

1.Вікна ходили ходором від вітру. 2.Він мав звичку говорити, що початкова стадія в роботі найголовніша. 3.Декілька слів, які він випадково промовив, наводили на думку, що все сказане ним було найчистішою видумкою. 4.У неї жахливо боліла голова, але не зважаючи на біль, вона продовжувала працювати. 5. Він обурювався, коли його приймали за школяра адже був студентом. 6.У неї був власний підхід до дітей: любов, прийняття і підтримка. Вона не звертала уваги на їх дрібні пустощі, пропускала їх крізь пальці.7.Робити помилки властиво людям, але не всім властиво їх визнавати.

8. Explaine in English the meaning of the proverbs. Give their Ukrainian equivalents. Make up a dialogue to illustrate them.

1. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 2. To err is human.3. Where there is a will there is a way. 4. All good things must come to an end television topical vocabulary

1. Television: TV; telly (colloq.), the box (BE); the tube (AE), portable television (set) wide screen; flat screen TV; colour television (set); cable television; satellite tele­vision; network; viewer; viewing; peak viewing hours; prime time (8-11 p.m.); theme tunes; TV addict; compulsive viewing, Premium Stations. 

2. Operating TV set: clicker; to switch on/off; to turn on/off; to turn the sound up/down; to switch (over)/change to another pro­gramme/channel; to watch television; to see smth on televi­sion; a test card; to correct the picture; to have the TV set fixed, rerun. 

3. Personnel/People in television: to be in television; an­nouncer; newsreader/newscaster; anchorman/woman (AE); presenter; TV reporter/correspondent; commentator; inter­viewer; speaker; quizmaster; camera man/operator; editor; pro­ducer; technician; soundman; a film crew; a programme crew. 

4. Programmes: programme; show; daily; weekly; monthly; the news; newscast; local news; current affairs programme; special report; factual reportage; live footage (AE), talk (chat) show; discussion, panel discussion; interview; documentary; magazine programme;1 children's programme; cartoon; educational programme; wild/ nature life programme;1 sports programme; the weather report/ forecast; variety show; musical variety; game show; quiz pro­gramme;1 feature film, movie (AE); television play/film; tele­vision version of a play (adapted for television); thriller; Western;1 serial (a play broadcast in parts, e. g. a three-part serial); instalment (a part of a serial); sitcom (situation come­dy); soap opera; commercial; video clip; a regular character of the programme; a regular feature of the programme, ratings; family friendly.

5. Television techniques: to broadcast; to telecast (AE); a live broadcast/show programme; to do a live broadcast; to be on the air; to go on the air; a broadcast speech/interview/dis­cussion; to be on TV (What's on TV tonight?); to appear on the programme; to show on television; to cover smth; news cover­age; television coverage; to record/tape; recorded programme; to do a television show; sound track; sound effects; test card; picture; general view; close-up; caption; still; library film/pictures (= archives material); loca­tion (= geographical position of an event); microphone, mike, neck mike; monitor; screen time.