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5. Read these phrasal verbs and expressions several times till you re­member them:

to leave out — оставить, пропустить

to wind up — заводить (часы)

to belong to — принадлежать

to be named after — быть названным в честь

to settle down — осесть, остановиться

to be in service — действовать, работать

6. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents:

1. admiration

2. to sparkle

3. rainbow

4. a temple

5. a blacksmith

6. a revolt

7. straw

8. luxury

9. legacy

10. royal

а. наследие

b. кузнец

с. королевский

d. восхищение

е. восстание

f. роскошь

g. радуга

h. сверкать

i. солома

j. храм

7. Combine the words with the help of the preposition оf:

1. a witness

2. a bank

3. a masterpiece

4. the attacks

5. the capital

6. the political status

7. the noise

8. the street

9. the representatives

10. the Seym

a. Luxury

b. the city

с nationalities

d. German knights

e. the events

f. Neman

g. the 17 th century

h. the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

i. Rzecz Pospolita

j. the carts

8. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:

Wet, long, old, tight.

9. Give the three forms of the following verbs:

To stay, to destroy, to wind, to take, to build, to strew, to finish, to hold, to approve, to become.

10. Give the plural of:

Witness, potter, hoof, proof, analogue.

11. Write the derivatives of the following words:

Belarus, to admire, to inhabit, to impress, to construct, to conquer, successful, an industry to vary.

12. These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Name, start, hit, pass, look.

13. Read these expressions and find their English equivalents in the text:

Тихие свидетели событий; парить подобно белой птице; остаться не­вредимым чудесным образом; товары гродненских кузнецов, плавильщи­ков, гончаров, скорняков и портных; военная застава; одобрить раздел Речи Посполитой; шум проходящих телег и экипажей; иметь достаточно места для всех; разделять этническое наследие.

14. Read the text and get ready to speak about Grodno:

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