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5. Read these phrasal verbs and expressions several times till you re­member them:

thanks to — благодаря чему-л. (кому-л.)

the first mention — первое упоминание

this can be likened — это может сравниться

little by little — понемногу (шаг за шагом)

for ages — веками

nothing stands still — ничего не бывает неизменным

itturnsout — оказалось

6. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents:

1. erect

2. Gospel

3. fascination

4. farmstead

5. descendant

6. warrior

7. temple

8. forages

9. faith

10. damage

11. decay

12. eternal

а. очарование

b. воин, боец

с. распад

d. Евангеиие

e. убыток

f. сооружать

g. веками

h. вековой

i. усадьба


k. вера

1. потомок

7. Combine the words with the help of the preposition of:

1. the church

2. the town

3. the pages

4. the manuscripts memorial

5. the date

6. the actions

7. the circle

8. the performance

9. on the bank

10. the founder

11. royal dynasty

12. traditions

13. the souls

14. the laws

15. a new cycle

a. town's foundation

b. life


d. the Virgin Saint

e. the Drutsk Gospel

f. the river Druts

g. Drutsk

h. people

i. national culture

j. ritual circle

k. Life

1. the East

m. history

n. gardeners

o. famous dynasty

8. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:

Modern, remarkable, high, wild, large, little, ancient, important, religious, strong, good, few.

9. Give the three forms of the following verbs:

To read, to find, to keep, to erect, to do, to know, to give, to understand, to think.

10. Give the plural of:

Line, library, history, list, mystery, descendant, woman, soul, bread, family.

11. Write the derivatives of the following words:

Settlement, foundation, restoration, anniversary, existence, law, respect, cel­ebrate, invisible, fascinate.

12. These words can be used both as Verbs and nouns. Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Circle, respect, love, experience, border.

13. Read these expressions and find their English equivalents in the text:

Переведенных на; несколько веков до; дикое дерево; невидимые часы; их стрелки; благодаря богу; тайный ритуал; тайна жизни; все течет, все изменяется; дали жизнь многим; научились уважать; в многочисленных битвах; белорусы уделяют внимание; и более того, они уважают законы; о хлебе насущном; построили церковь; и одновременно; последние слова о церкви.

14. Read the text and get ready to speak about an eternal circle in our life:

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