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Ambit BuildGates Synthesis User Guide

Report Generation

Customizing Report Column Width

The report table width is scaled to fit the size of the console. The size of the console is controlled by the set_global command line_length attribute, which has a default value of 80 in the console.

In the GUI the line length is computed at startup and set to the width of the console window.

If the option View–General Preferences–Console Window–Console WindowWrap

Lines is enabled, report table width is set to the total number of characters that can fit on one line. If not enabled, a line length of 512 is set, effectively requiring you to use the horizontal scroll bar to view the report on the console.

The set_table_style command enables the disabling of printing of columns. It also enables setting a minimum and maximum size for each column, reversal of the presentation order, control of left indent, and control of the sorting order of the columns. The syntax is as follows:

set_table_style -name table_name [-reverse_rows] [-major_sort integer] [-minor_sort integer] [-max_widths list_of_integers]

[-min_widths list_of_integers] [-indent integer]

September 2000


Product Version 4.0

Ambit BuildGates Synthesis User Guide

Report Generation

September 2000


Product Version 4.0

Соседние файлы в папке dsd-07=Verilog