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ЧАСТЬ 1 УРОКИ 1-15.doc
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Безличные глаголы to rain и to snow

IV. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. It often rained in Moscow last summer (2). 2. It was raining when we went out yesterday (1). 3. It never snows in these countries (2). 4. It snowed all day long yesterday (1). 5. It began raining early in the morning (1). 6. The day before yesterday it rained heavily (1). 7. When it stopped raining, we went home (1). 8. It stopped snowing at 3 o'clock (1).

V. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме:

1. In what months it often (to snow) in Moscow? 2. (to rain) it often in October in Moscow? 3. When we arrived at the airport it (to rain) heavily, and we couldn't leave the car for ten minutes. 4. It (to begin) snowing about 3 hours ago, and it still (to snow). 5. (to rain) it when you left the Ministry yesterday? Yes, very heavily. And it still (to rain) when I got home. 6. When we went out, it (to stop) raining and the weather was wonderful. 7. It (to stop) raining, and the sun is already shining. Let's go for a walk. 8. By 12 o'clock it (to stop) raining, and we went to the beach.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на безличные глаголы:

1. — Нравится ли вам в нашем городе? — Мне здесь очень нравится, хотя сейчас морозно и часто идет снег. 2. Мы были в Петербурге в июне. Погода была чудесная, хотя там часто идет дождь в это время. 3. Шел ли дождь, когда вы возвращались из театра? 4. Часто ли шел снег в прошлом месяце? 5. Идет сильный дождь. Мы не сможем сейчас пойти в кино. Я думаю, дождь не скоро прекратится. 6. — Часто ли шел снег, когда вы были в Новосибирске? — Да.

Конструкция as... as, not so ...as

VII. Сравните следующее, употребляя конструкцию as ... As, not so ... As (not as... As):

1. Moscow, Orel (large). 2. The living-room, the bedroom (light). 3. The weather in Moscow, the weather in Sochi (hot). 4. This book, that book (interesting). 5. Our prices, their prices (high). 6. This machine, that machine (good). 7. Lesson 9, lesson 10 (short). 8. Exercise 10, exercise 12 (long).

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Вчера погода была не такой хорошей, как сегодня. Вчера шел сильный снег, а сегодня тепло и светит солнце. 2. — Когда погода бывает такой же теплой, как в мае? — Иногда в сентябре бывает очень тепло. 3. — В Москве осенью дожди идут так же часто, как и в Петербурге? — Да, хотя в Москве не так влажно. 4. — Вы встаете в воскресенье так же рано, как и в будни? - Нет, в воскресенье мы встаем в 9 часов утра. 5. — Вы говорите по-английски так же хорошо, как по-немецки? — Нет, я знаю английский не очень хорошо.



Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last few years.1 Before Mr. Kozlov went to London, he and his experts had gone through the latest catalogues2 of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers.

When Mr. Kozlov arrived in London, he phoned the Russian Trade Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.


Zotov: RussianTrade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please.3 I'll put you through.

Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov speaking. I'm glad I've got you on the phone. I hope you are well.

Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?4

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London5 to-day. He'd like to talk to you.

Lipman: I'll be glad to see Mr. Kozlov. We haven't met since my last visit to Moscow. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon.

Zotov: I'm afraid this time won't be quite convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please?

Lipman: Yes, certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Kozlov. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.


Kozlov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Oh, Mr. Kozlov, good morning. Glad to see you in London. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in this country.

Kozlov: I hope so too. What fine weather you are having now!

Lipman: Yes. It's wonderful to-day. But the weather is very changeable in London. It rained heavily only yesterday morning. And what's the weather like in Moscow?

Kozlov: It isn't so fine as it is here. It was snowing when I left Moscow. Lipman: Oh, was it!

Kozlov: Well, Mr. Lipman, I'd like to have a word with you about our order for compressors. We've gone through your latest catalogues.

Lipman: I believe you've noticed we've improved our Model AC-30. Kozlov: Quite so. It is very important to us. Now this model meets the requirements of our customers.

Lipman: Glad to hear that.

Kozlov: We are going to place an order with you for 50 compressors but the fact is we usually buy your goods on c.i.f. terms but now we'd like to buy them on f.o.b. terms.

Lipman: Will you take part deliveries in that case?

Kozlov: That'll suit us all right.

Lipman: By the way, Mr. Kozlov, we'll be able to let you have our quotation in two or three days only.

Kozlov: That's very good because I'll have to leave for Edinburgh and shan't be back until next Monday.

Lipman: Then we'll send our quotation to your office.

Kozlov: All right. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.

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