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ЧАСТЬ 1 УРОКИ 1-15.doc
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VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами и перескажите текст:


Mr. Smith, a well-known writer, went ... the booking-office and bought a I single ticket... the 7 o'clock express... Manchester. The booking-office clerk told I him that the train was due to arrive ... Manchester... 9 o'clock the next morning... I the evening Mr. Smith came... the railway station... taxi. As he came... the station I ... ten minutes... seven and was afraid to miss the train he hurried ... his carriage. I When he got., the train and found his compartment he put bis suit-case ... the I luggage-rack and sat down to read a magazine. The train was going very fast. After I it had passed two or three stops a ticket-collector came to collect the tickets. Mr. Smith couldn't find his ticket. As some ... the passengers told the ticket-collector I that Mr. Smith was a well-known writer the ticket-collector said ... him: "That's all right, sir. I know you've got a ticket." "But I must find it. I must know where I I'm going ...," was the reply.

absent-minded рассеянный; to pass a stop проехать остановку

a ticket-collector контролер

VII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я выяснил, что поезд № 30 был самым удобным для меня. 2. Мы уже собирались уходить с выставки, когда мой друг заметил очень интересную модель. Мы выяснили, что это была новейшая модель компьютера. Г-н Седов ездил в командировку в прошлом году и имел возможность выяснить некоторые вопросы со специалистами завода. 4. — Пришлось ли вам торопиться в аэропорт? — Нет, мы поехали на машине, и это заняло очень мало времени. 5. Мы думали, что самолет не сможет приземлиться, так как шел сильный дождь, но стюардесса сказала, что мы прибудем в Лондон вовремя (in time). 6. Я очень жалел, что упустил возможность побывать в Лондоне.

III speech exercises

VIII. Воспроизведите диалоги урока.

IX. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What do you do before you make a journey? 2. What must you do to book a ticket on a train in advance? 3. What is a through train? 4. Why is it more convenient to have a return ticket when you go to Sochi in summer? 5. What journey will you enjoy making? 6. Why is it convenient to leave luggage at the left-luggage office? 7. Why don't people like seeing off their friends? 8. What must you do not to miss the train?

X. Выразите удивление или сомнение, используя вопросительно-отрицательную форму:

Образцы: Не is going to book a single ticket.

Isn't he going to book a return ticket! No, he isn't.

1. Peter promised to call for us at 5. 2. She has caught only the 9 o'clock train. 3. He is going to leave from Kiev Station. 4. We shall travel second class. 5. Our journey to Odessa was the most pleasant. 6. The buyers are interested in Model-10. 7. Our office required April shipment. 8. We can buy power equipment from a French firm.

XI. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения:

1. Yon are quite right. Quite so. Yes, certainly. 2. I don't think so. I'm afraid it's not so.

1. It will take you less time to get to Petersburg by train than by plane. 2. It is always more convenient to book single tickets than return tickets. 3. It is more pleasant to travel by air than by railway. 4. It is convenient to go by a through train. 5. There are always many visitors at Russian exhibitions abroad. 6. There are dining-cars on all through trains. 7. It is more convenient to travel third class than to travel first class. 8. You won't have to change trains to get to London. 9. You can reserve accommodation for any train at the Intourist booking-office. 10. Not all the passengers go through the Customs when they arrive from abroad.

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