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ЧАСТЬ 1 УРОКИ 1-15.doc
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VII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и составьте диалог на основе текста:

1 work... Machinoexport. A lot... foreign firms are interested... doing business ... us. We have made some contracts... boilers... a new model lately. Our boilers are ... great demand now, and we sell them ... high prices.

The other day Mr. Gray ... Roberts & Co. came ... Moscow to have talks ... us. As soon as he came ... Moscow he phoned our secretary and made an appointment... us... the next day.

He came to see us... half... nine. We discussed a lot... different questions. Our terms... payment and delivery were acceptable ... him. When the talks were over we asked Mr. Gray to have dinner ... us... Saturday.

VIII. Переведите следующие прдложения, обращая внимание на употребление last, lately.

1. Последнее время этот товар пользуется большим спросом. 2. — Когда вы были в Третьяковской галерее последний раз? — Я была там в прошлом месяце. 3. За последнее время у нас не было переговоров с французскими фирмами. 4. Последний раз мы продали им товар на условиях сиф.

  1. Последний раз мы имели дело с этой фирмой в ноябре прошлого года.

  2. За последнее время мы получили несколько предложений на горно-шахтное оборудование. 7. В последнее время цены на электрическое оборудование были высокими. 8. Последний раз мы встречались с представителем французской фирмы две недели тому назад.

IX. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any:

1. Please, give me ... coffee. I'm scrry but there isn't.... 2. We had ... tea, but there wasn't... sugar to put in it. 3. I'm afraid I can't speak to you now. Come and see me... other time. 4.1 can make an appointment with him for... time. 5. I'd like to listen to ... good music on the radio. 6. He hasn't got... books to read and he asked me to bring him ... . 7.... of our goods are in great demand now. 8. He says that this time is not convenient to ... of our engineers.

X. Откройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:

1. How many enquiries from foreign firms you (to receive) this month? We (to receive) two enquiries from a German firm last week. 2. You (to have) a holiday this year? Yes, I (to have) it two months ago. 3. Where (to be) the materials for the talks? I think Mr. Petrov (to take) them. He (to come) to the office five minutes ago. 4. What film you (to see) lately? I (to see) "Hamlet". I (to like) it very much. When it (to be on)? It (to be on) last week. 5. Where you (to be) today? I (to phone) you in the morning, but you (to be) not in. You see, in the morning I (to be) at the factory and (to come back) only 10 minutes ago. 6. You ever (to do business) with Roberts & Co.? Yes, we (to sell) them ten boilers of a new model lately.

XI. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив данные в скобках глаголы и словосочетания в нужном времени:

1. I believe you ... (to go sightseeing). 2. ... (to ski) ... while we were having a walk. 3. We haven't done business with Hadson & Co. since we ... (to make a contract)... 4. When foreign representatives came to our office we... (to have talks) ... 5. When I came in, they (to discuss) ... 6. I'm afraid your terms... not (to be acceptable)... 7. Before we buy goods we ... (to send). 8. We don't know when you ... (to require). 9. Mr. Fedin was going through some letters while we ... (to get ready) ... 10. The director asks for what day the secretary (to make an appointment)...

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