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ЧАСТЬ 1 УРОКИ 1-15.doc
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XII. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующий диалог. Передайте его в косвенной речи:

Sedov: Good morning, Mr. Scott.

Scott: Oh, Mr. Sedov, good morning, I'm happy to see you in London. I hope you had a good flight yesterday.

Sedov: Yes, we had a nice flight though I was afraid that there would be a fog and we shouldn't be able to land. But we got into London on schedule. Well, Mr. Scott, a good flight is a good way to begin business. I'd like to have a word with you about your offer for chemical equipment.

Scott: We hope you have studied our quotation.

Sedov: Yes, we have. On the whole your equipment meets our requirements. Scott: And what about our prices?

Sedov: Your prices are acceptable to us. But there is one point and I'd like to clear it up now. How soon will you be able to begin shipment?

Scott: We are going to begin shipment in April. Does it suit you?

Sedov: Not quite. Will you be able to speed it up and begin, say in February?

Scott: I can't give you a reply right away. I'll have to contact my people in Manchester and have a word with them about it.

Sedov: That's good. Thank you.

a fog туман; on schedule по расписанию; on the whole [houl] в целом; say скажем; to speed up ускорить;

Manchester Манчестер

XIII. Составьте ситуации на основе следующих предложений:

1. The president will be available after ten o'clock. 2. I'm afraid this time isn't quite convenient to me. 3. The point is this model doesn't meet our customers" requirements. 4. He won't be back until the day after tomorrow. 5. We have improved this model lately. 6. He had to give them an alternative date. 7. 1 think we'll be able to take part deliveries. 8. These terms will suit us.

XIV. Перескажите следующие тексты:

Once a French cabman played a good joke on Conan Doyle. When Conan Doyle arrived in Paris it was raining heavily. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz Hotel as he had reserved a room there a few days before.

The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he had received his fare he said, "Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle." "How do you know my name?" asked Conan Doyle.

"Well, sir," replied the driver, "the other day I saw in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your appearance told me you were British, and I also saw you had had your hair cut in the South of France. So 1 decided it was you.

"You are a wonderful detective," said Conan Doyle. "Were there any other things about me, that could help you to think it was I?"

"Well," said the cabman, "there was also your name on your suit-case, sir."

once однажды; a cabman кэбмен; a cab кэб; to play a joke on сыграть шутку над; fare плата за проезд; appearance внешность; to have one's hair cut подстричься; a detective агент, сыщик


Joseph Turner was a great English painter. He had a dog. He liked his dog very much.

One day he was playing with his dog. Suddenly the dog broke his leg. Turner sent for a well-known doctor.

When the doctor came, Turner said, "Doctor, my dog has broken his leg. I know that you are too good for this work but please do it. It is so important to me."

The doctor was angry but he did not show it.

The next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his place. Turner promised to come as he thought that the doctor wanted to see him about his dog.

When Turner came to the doctor's house, the doctor said, "Mr. Turner, I'm so glad to see you. I'd like to ask you to paint my door. I know that you are too good for this work but, please, do it. It is so important to me."

a painter художник; a dog собака; to break [breik] (broke, broken) сломать;

angry сердитый; a leg нога; to paint красить

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