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ЧАСТЬ 1 УРОКИ 1-15.doc
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Grammar and vocabulary exercises

I. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими моделями:

1. It wasn't far from the hotel. 2. The vegetables weren't good enough. 3. We had enough time to reserve a table. 4. I don't know much about English meals. 5. I think we'll start with salad. 6. It wasn't bad to finish dinner with coffee. 7. I'd like to drink a toast to good business. 8. The gentlemen were pleased with the lunch. 9. We are looking forward to meeting you again. 10. This is to our good relations.

II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий:

1. Осенью мы едим больше фруктов и овощей, чем зимой. 2. Я больше люблю рыбу, чем мясо. 3. Сегодня в меню не так много мясных блюд, как вчера. 4. Больше всего мой сын любит мороженое на десерт. 5. Ростбиф — самое лучшее блюдо в этом ресторане. 6. Сегодня в ресторане меньше людей, чем обычно. 7. Английский язык менее трудный, чем немецкий. 8. Это пальто не такое красивое, как то. 9. Давайте начнем сегодня переговоры с вопроса о цене. Это важнее всего для нас. 10. Если ваши машины будут новейшей конструкции, мы готовы купить их по более высокой цене.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и перескажите текст.


An Englishman who never (to be) to France before (to decide) to spend his holiday there. After he (to visit) some beautiful French towns and (to see) a lot there he (to want) to go back to England as his holiday (to come) to an end. The Englishman (to find) that he (to have) only enough money to pay his fare. As he (to know) that the trip (to take) him only about two days he (to think) that he (can live) without food those two days. So he (to buy) a ticket and (to get on) the ship. At 2 o'clock the Englishman (to go) out of his cabin and (to hear) that the bell for dinner (to ring) but he not (to go) to the restaurant although he (to be) very hungry. When it (to get) dark a waiter (to come) to his cabin to invite him to supper but the Englishman (to say) that he not (to feel) well. The next day when lunch time (to come) the Englishman (to think): "I (to go) to the restaurant and (to eat) even if they (to throw) me into the sea." When he (to come) into the restaurant a lot of passengers already (to have) lunch. Some of them (to eat) roast-beef with vegetables, other passengers (to eat) fish. The Englishman (to hurry) to one of the tables. He (to eat) all the waiter (to put) in front of him. In the evening when the ship (to be) not far from London the Englishman (to have supper) and (to ask) the waiter to bring him the bill for his meals. "What bill, sir? You already (to pay) for your meals." "But when?" (to ask) the Englishman. "You (to pay) for your meals when you (to buy) the ticket," (to be) the reply.

an end конец; without без; a cabin каюта; even даже;

to throw (threw, thrown) бросать

IV. Измените предложения, употребив бессоюзные определительные придаточные предложения, где это возможно.

1. The equipment which you are speaking about is in great demand on the world market. 2. The head-waiter that I wanted to speak to wasn't available at that time. 3. The names of the dishes on the menu that I was going through were in French. 4. The girl who is speaking on the phone now is our secretary. 5. The day for which we wanted to reserve a table at the restaurant wasn't quite convenient to some of our friends. 6. We didn't like the meals at the restaurant of the hotel at which we were staying. 7. That day I had no opportunity to see the engineer with whom I was to go on business. 8. I didn't like the dish that my friend had recommended me to order.

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