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Lecture 14. Lexicography (2 hrs)

Objective. To inform the students of the major types of dictionaries; to raise the students’ awareness of the urgent problems of lexicography; to develop cognitive skills of analyzing & summarizing the information, distinguishing between major & minor aspects, categorizing & estimating relevant facts.


1. Types of dictionaries

2. Some of the main problems of lexicography

3. Historical development of British & American lexicography

14.1. Types of dictionaries

Lexicography (LG) a branch of applied linguistics, the theory & practice of compiling dictionaries. LG has a common object of study with lexicology, describing the vocabulary of a language. The essential difference: the degree of systematisation & completeness. Lexicology → systematisation revealing characteristic features of Ws. It cannot claim any completeness as regards the units themselves, their number is very great. LG → the semantic, formal & functional description of all individual Ws. Dictionaries (Ds) → more / less complete description, but cannot attain systematic treatment, every D entry presents an independent problem.

D is a book listing Ws of a language with their meanings & often with data regarding pronunciation, usage & /or origin. Pronouncing Ds (D. Jones), etymological Ds (W. Skeat, E. Partridge, OED).

D in which the Ws & their definitions belong to the same language – unilingual / explanatory. Bilingual / translation Ds explain Ws by their equivalents in another language. Multilingual / polyglot Ds are few, serve the purpose of comparing Syns & terminology in various languages.

Unilingual Ds: diachronic & synchronic / descriptive. Diachronic Ds (OED): the development of the E vocabulary by recording the history of form & meaning for every W registered. Synchronic Ds of current E: present-day meaning & usage of Ws.

Both bilingual & unilingual dictionaries: general & special. General Ds: the vocabulary as a whole (13 vol. of OED; any pocket D; frequency Ds; a rhyming D).

Special Ds cover a specific part of the vocabulary according to: 1) the sphere of human activity; 2) the type of the units; 3) the relationships between them.

1) specialised Ds of limited scope (terms for various branches of knowledge, art & trade: linguistic, medical, technical, economical). Unilingual books giving definitions of terms – glossaries, often prepared by specially appointed boards / commissions for improving technical terminology.

2) phraseology, abbreviations, neologisms, LWs, surnames, toponyms, proverbs & sayings.

3) Syn Ds; Ds recording an author’s complete vocabulary (concordances); dialect Ds; Ds of AWs.

Linguistic & non-linguistic Ds. The latter: information on all branches of knowledge, encyclopaedias, deal with facts & concepts: The Encyclopaedia Britannica, The Encyclopaedia Americana. There are biographical Ds & many minor encyclopaedias.

The entries of most Ds are in alphabetical order; derivatives & compounds under the same head-W. In the ideographic Ds (Thesaurus) according to a logical classification of notions, an alphabetical index attached. Sometimes the grouping is in parallel columns with the opposite notions. It is meant for readers with a good command of E. The Lat thesaurus means ‘treasury’. P. Roget gave the W a new figurative meaning, ‘a store of knowledge’. A consistent classification of notions presents great difficulties. No 1-to-1 correlation between notions & Ws. The system of meanings stands in a very complex relationship to the system of notions ← polysemantic character of most Ws.

Types of Ds

Unilingual Ds

Bilingual / multilingual Ds


Explanatory Ds irrespective of their bulk

E-Rus, Rus-E, multilingual Ds

Etymological, frequency, phonetical, rhyming & thesaurus type Ds

Focus on 1 of the distinctive features of the W


Glossaries of scientific & other special terms; concordances, Ds of abbreviations, Ants, LWs, new words, proverbs, Syns, surnames, toponyms

Ds of scientific & other special terms;

Ds of abbreviations, phraseology, proverbs, Syns

Ds of AmE, dialect & slang

Ds of OE and MidE with explanations in ModE