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11.5. Slang

Slang Ws: expressive, mostly ironical Ws serving to create fresh names for some frequent topics. They sound vulgar, cynical & harsh, show the object of speech in the light of a contemptuous ridicule. Sl Ws for money: beans, brass, dibs, dough, chink, oof, wads; for head: attic, brain-pan, hat peg, nut, upper storey; for drunk: boozy, cock-eyed, high, soaked, tight. There are many Sl Ws for food, alcohol drinks, stealing, jail, death, madness, drug use.

Different opinions on Sl’s nature, boundaries & the attitude towards it. Many authors: after a Sl W has been used in speech for a certain period of time, people get accustomed to it & it ceases to produce a shocking effect. The most vital among Sl Ws are then accepted into literary vocabulary: bet, bore, chap, donkey, fun, humbug, mob, odd, pinch, shabby, sham, snob, trip, from the Am Sl: graft, hitch-hiker, sawbones. The most prominent place: Ws / expressions having no Syns & serving as expressive names for some specific notions: teenager.

The bulk of Sl is formed by short-living Ws. E. Partridge: a series of vogue Ws for a man of fashion: blood (1550-1660), macaroni (1760), buck (1720-1840), swell (1811), dandy (1820-1870), toff (1851).

It is convenient to group Sl Ws according to their place in the semantic system of the vocabulary. If they denote a new & necessary notion, they may prove an enrichment of the vocabulary & be accepted into standard English. If they make another addition to a cluster of Syns, & have nothing but novelty, they die out very quickly.

According to the sphere of usage: general & special Sl. General: Ws not specific for any social / professional group. Special is peculiar for some such group: teenager Sl, university Sl, public school Sl, Air Force Sl, football Sl, sea Sl. A. Schweitzer: argot belongs here. It is more logical to differentiate Sl & argot. The difference: Sl has an expressive function, argot is concerned with secrecy. Sl Ws are clearly motivated: cradle-snatcher ‘an old man who marries / courts a much younger woman’; belly-robber ‘the head of a military canteen’; window-shopping. Argot Ws do not show their motivation: rap ‘kill’, shin ‘knife’, book ‘a life sentence’.

A great deal of Sl comes from the USA: corny, cute, fuss-pot, teenager, swell. Am Sl also contains elements from BrE: cheerio ‘goodbye’, right-o ‘yes’, Gerry for ‘a German soldier’.

The lexical meaning of a Sl W contains the denotative & emotive components (most often it expresses irony) & all the other types of connotation: it is expressive, evaluative & stylistically coloured.


  1. Give definition of a functional style.

  2. What is characteristic of the neutral style?

  3. Which situations does the colloquial style serve?

  4. Why does I.V. Arnold reject the existence of the belles-letres style?

  5. What functions does the belles-letres style perform?

  6. What is characteristic of the publicistic style?

  7. Give definition of a lexico-grammatical group.

  8. Give definition of a term.

  9. What is the difference between a thematic & an ideographic group of words?

  10. What way of term-formation do you know?

  11. What is the difference between emotive & evaluative words?


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