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Module 6 Unit 1

Reading 4

important - key, essential, crucial, major, vital, significant, main,

indispensible, momentous

Focus on language

Practice 1

a) both … and …/as well as …

b) neither … nor …

c) either … or …

d) not only … but also …/as well as …/both … and …

e) in addition to

f) due to

g) because of

Listening 3

  1. 27 July, at the White House, Washington, DC

  2. The National Medal of Science - The National Science Foundation

The National Medal of Technology - the United States Department of Commerce

  1. Each nominee must be a United States citizen or a permanent resident seeking citizenship.

  2. The National Medal of Science is awarded for the years 2005 and 2006.

  3. A committee of twelve scientists and engineers is named by the president to examine the nominees’ work on the following criteria: b) The work must affect scientific knowledge. c) how other scientists have honored each nominee in the past if he/she was, and d) how the work of each has influenced the education of future scientists through publications and teaching.

Listening 4

The National Medal of Science

The National Medal of Technology

  • solid mechanics

  • physiology

  • statistics

  • medicine

  • earth science

  • physics (astronomy)

  • microbiology

  • genetics

  • organic chemistry and biology

  • molecular biology

  • mathematics

  • medical technologies

  • production of cellular telephones, compact disc players and high-speed communication devices

  • design and development of safety technologies that stop the energy involved in high-speed vehicle crashes

  • development of the first vaccine to prevent deadly streptococcus pneumonia in children

  • printing industry

  • semiconductor industry

  • research into the electricity involved in medical devices

  • development of communication devices

  • developing new kinds of pictures from space and work in national security

  • development of lasers and lightwave communications systems

Reading 2

1) c 2) e 3) a 4) b 5) d

In the Realm of Science 1

AI - Artificial intelligence

VR - Virtual reality

GM - Genetically modified

GPS - Global positioning system

HDTV - High definition television

HTML - Hypertext markup language

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid

R&D - Research and development

Module 6 Unit 2

Reading 1

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A

Focus on language 2

Practice 1

a) the others; b) another; c) others; d) another;

e) other; f) another; g) another; h) the other; i) others

Focus on language 3

Practice 1

  1. is going to be

f) will be studying

в) will I say

g) is going to be

с) is having

h) is going to

d) will be helping

i) will be using

e) will have checked

j) will have patented

Listening 1

Future in 10 years’ time

Future in 30 years’ time

  • same number of students in class

  • 3-dimensional shapes of computer screens

  • artificial turf on the top of a building somewhere for playing soccer

  • jet boards instead of skate boards

  • more technology and overpopulation

  • a lot less natural sites or they won't be able to experience nature.

Realm of Science 1

a) planet b) mercurial c) atom d) formula e) nucleus f) guinea pig