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Unit 3 Revise & Practise

  1. Explain the difference between these pairs:

litter - waste

break down - dismantle

refurbish - repair

recycle - process

effect - affect

chemical element - chemical compound

  1. Write down a short vocabulary list (10 items) on the topic “Environment”. Compare your lists. Cross out the items you have on both lists and explain the meaning of the rest of the words and phrases.

  2. Do the crossword to write the word in bold.












  1. the reduction of the layer of natural gases around the earth that protects people,

animals, etc. from dangerous ultraviolet radiation

  1. the reduction of the territory that a plant or animal lives and grows

best in, usually caused by changes in natural conditions

  1. a process when different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced

environment disappear

  1. floods, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes, etc. that may kill a lot of people or

cause a lot of damage

  1. a result of atmospheric contamination when industrial gases and chemicals mix

with water in the air

  1. harmful chemicals and gases from factories, machines, traffic fumes that enter

the air to make it dirty

  1. a general increase in the temperature of the world caused by harmful chemicals

and gases from cars, factories etc entering the air

  1. harmful chemicals, waste materials from factories, houses etc. that enter the land

and kill or damage the things that live or grow there

  1. gases from factories, machines, traffic fumes etc. that form a layer around the

earth and keep the heat it

  1. devices and/or their components that are no longer useful

  2. a process when too many trees are cut down in an area, so that the environment is badly damaged

  1. Read these sayings. Comment on the one you like most.

  • “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • “Modern technology owes ecology an apology.” Alan M. Eddison

  • “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Native American Proverb

  • “If civilization has risen from the Stone Age, it can rise again from the Wastepaper Age.” Jacques Barzun, The House of Intellect, 1959

Case study

All of you are at the meeting which is held to discuss the most urgent environmental problems in your city. Each student plays one of the roles described below. Read the situation and the role descriptions and decide who will play each role. Divide into 5 groups (group A – environmentalists, B – bank representatives, C – city residents, D – city council members, E – project managers). Prepare for ten minutes before you begin the meeting. Make use of the language for debating in the Tool box.

The situation

The World Bank has decided to fund the “Eco-friendly city” programme. As the representatives of different local organizations and the community you have to discuss the most urgent environmental problems in your city, the ways to solve them and to work out projects that will allow to cope with the most urgent problems in your neighborhood. As a result the World Bank will choose the most attractive project.

Roles: project manager

You live in this city and work in the local branch of the World Bank. The Board of trustees appointed you to be the person in charge for the successful realization of the eco-programme in your city. You introduce the programme of the World Bank,

briefly describe the situation and conduct the meeting.

Tool box: Debating

In my opinion …

If you want my opinion …


I agree (with …)

I think … is right.

That’s exactly what I feel.


I’m afraid I don’t agree (with …)

I don’t think you are right.

Yes, but listen …

That’s nonsense!

Interrupting to make a point

Forgive me for interrupting but …

Can I say something?

Can I make a point?


Can we agree then that …

Shall we say then that …

Well, it seems that the best solution is to

Roles: environmentalists

You are a member of the local Green Peace organization. You are concerned with the high level of industrial waste, soil and water contamination in your city. Present your project and suggest the ways for its realization.

Roles: city residents

You are worried about the shrinking of green spaces and increasing of air pollution in your city. Present your project and suggest ways and terms of its realization.

Roles: the City council member

The city council is concerned with the poor quality treatment of sewage waters. Present your project and suggest ways and terms of its realization.

Roles: The World Bank representative

You are a member of the World Bank Board of Trustees who is responsible for choosing the most attractive project and an appropriate use of the money donated.