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Учебник Learning to Learn.doc
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What do you think?

  • Do you think these discoveries were absolutely unexpected? Why?/Why not?

  • Why are scientists often portrayed as mad or eccentric experimenters?

  • Comment on the saying “The fortune likes those that are prepared”.

Focus on language

Read the sentences. What grammar tenses are used?

  • We were tired because we had been experimenting all day long.

  • After I had worked in the lab for a few weeks, I felt I knew the equipment

pretty well.

  • They were making observations of the night sky for several years hoping to discover the planet they had calculated.

  • First students had a short talk with a lab instructor about safety in the lab and then they were allowed to work with some chemicals.

  • The lecture finished before we got there.

  • The lecture had already finished before we got there.

Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive

  • We use … talk about an activity or situation that began and ended at a particular time in the past.

  • We useto say that something was going on around a particular time in the past or a longer background action or situation which was interrupted by a shorter action.

  • We use … to speak about an action which happened before another past action.

  • We use … to talk about an action or event continuing up to a specific time in the past. We put the emphasis on ‘how long’.


  1. List time expressions under the correct tense heading. Some expressions can be used more than once.

  • for

  • before

  • by the time

  • first,

  • since

  • after

  • yesterday

  • until

  • when

  • while

  • as soon as

  • during

  • already

  • ago

  • at this time last year

Past Past Past Past

Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive

_______ ________ _______ ________

_______ ________ _______ ________

_______ ________ _______ ________

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct Past tenses.

  1. Class (begin, already) __________ by the time I (get) __________ there,

so I (take, quietly) __________ a seat in the back.

  1. My group mate (discuss) ___________ something with professor when I (walk) __________ into the room.

  2. It was midnight. I (study) ___________ for five straight hours. No wonder I

(get tired).

  1. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) __________ the earth, but they

(become) __________ extinct by the time humankind first (appear) __________.

  1. I (call) Kate at nine last night, but she (be, not) __________ at home. She (study) ____________ at the library.

  2. Kevin suddenly realized that the teacher (ask) him a question. He couldn’t

answer because he (daydream) ____________ for the last ten minutes.

  1. I (see, never) ___________ any of Picasso’s paintings before I (visit) ___________ the art museum.

  2. The anthropologists (leave) ____________ the village when they (collect) ___________ enough data.

  3. While Roger (write) ___________ an essay his roommate (clean) ___________ the room, so Roger (cannot) ___________ concentrate and (get) ____________ angry.

  4. As I (pass) ____________ the hardest exam and (get) ___________ an excellent mark I (feel) ____________ a know-it-all.