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Module 4 Unit 2

Reading 1

1) d

2) f

3) a

4) g

5) h

6) i

7) c

8) b

9) e

Focus on language

Practice 2


Actor/ess action activity active deactivate

Develop development

Design designer

Create creature creative creativity

Listening 4

area of science





Craig Mello

Andrew Fire

John Mather and George Smoot

Roger Kornberg


the USA

the USA

the USA

time period





to control genes in the creatures with injections of RNA

for producing the strong evidence that the universe began with a great explosion also known as the Big Bang

His work in genetic research showed how information in the nucleus of genes is copied and moved to other parts of a cell


The work changed the science of genetics - opened up a whole new area of research;

The discovery is used to develop possible treatments for diseases such as macular degeneration and hepatitis

Their work allowed to estimate the age of the universe as more than thirteen thousand million years old; it increases our knowledge of our place in the universe

The work has influenced the development of drugs and treatments for medical conditions

Listening 5

Prize in … (field of science)

Chemistry prize

Prize - to give, to establish, to present, to divide, to share, to win, to receive,

Prize-winning work

Prize winner

Reading 3

  1. F

  1. T

  1. F

  1. T

  1. T

  1. F

  1. F

  1. T

  1. T

In the Realm of Science 2

Size: semi- mini- micro- mega

Location: inter- super- extra- trans- peri- sub-

Time and order: pre- fore- post- tri- multy- oct-

Number: mono- bi- dec-

Other: auto co- hydro- photo- aero- tele-

In the Realm of Science 3

  1. f

  1. g

  1. j

  1. h

  1. a

  1. c

  1. e

  1. d

Module 4 Unit 3

Progress Test 1

a) invention

b) theoretical

c) scientist

d) development

e) chemical

f) observation

g) mathematician


i) measurements

j) discovery

k) application

l) accomplishment

m) multiplication

n) investigating

Progress Test 2.

The answer is 5

Progress Test 3.

got; was having

was explaining; was looking out; daydreaming

started; took

was frightened; was; was; had remembered; was

Progress Test 4. Rules of the Lab

1) neatly

8) report

15) unmarked

2) reproducible

9) question

16) contain

3) draw

10) convincing

17) toxic

4) data

11) miracles

18) failure

5) experience

12) rely on

19) negative

6) equipment

13) teamwork

20) glassware

7) record

14) blame