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Учебник Learning to Learn.doc
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What do you think?

  • Would you like to study abroad?

  • What makes the British system of higher education unique?

  • What degrees are awarded in Russian universities?

  • How does the British system of higher education differ from the system of education in our country?

  • Which elements of British system of higher education would you introduce in your university? Why?

Get real

Visit the websites of the world famous universities to find out:

  • degrees that they award in your field of science

  • courses available – traditional, modular, sandwich, etc.

  • admission requirements

  • forms of classes


  1. Work in pairs. Make a list of questions you would like to ask a university representative to find out as much as possible about the university/department you are hoping to study at. Make sure you ask about: variety of courses the university/faculty offers, degrees it awards, forms of teaching and methods of assessment used, tuition fees, facilities.

Managing your learning

Make use of every opportunity you get to practice speaking in class. Role-plays help you prepare for a real-world experience

  1. Change the partner. Take turns to ask each other about the university you have read about.


  1. Answer the questions:

  • Have you ever filled in an application form?

  • How did you feel about doing it?

  • Are you good at filling in the forms?

  • What sort of information do you have to provide?

  1. Application forms mostly ask for information rather than ask questions. Match a line in A with a question in B.



  1. First name

  1. Where are you living at the moment?

  1. Surname

  1. Are you married or single?

  1. Date of birth

  1. Where were you born?

  1. Country of origin

  1. What’s your surname?

  1. Present address

  1. Where do you live?

  1. Permanent address

  1. What do you do?

  1. Marital status

  1. When were you born?

  1. Occupation

  1. How much do you earn?

  1. Annual income

  1. What’s your first name?

  1. Fill in an application form for admission. Write in block capitals. Put N/A if the information is not applicable.

Application Form

for admission as an undegraduate student

1. Personal information



First Name(s)______________________________________________________________

Date of birth (use figures only): date__________ month_____________ year___________

Place of birth____________________________Citizenship_________________________

Home address: street and house________________________________________________ city____________________country______________________postcode______________

Telephone (country, area code/phone number)____________________________________


Mailing address (if different from home address)__________________________________



2. Disability/special needs

If you would like to receive information on support for students with a disability tick here_______

3. Prefered field of study

  • first choice__________________________________________________________

  • second choice_______________________________________________________

  • third choice_________________________________________________________

4. Which semester are you applying for? ______________________________________

5. University entrance qualifications:

Type (gymnasia, lyceum, comprehensive school, vocational school, technical school)___________________________________________________________________

Date of completion_________________________________________________________

Average grade (not necessary for foreign certificates)_______________________________________________________________

6. Professional training/practical training (please include references)

Professional qualification ____________________________________________________

Duration of training from_______________________until__________________________

7. Professional experience after training and/or other working experience (for more

than 8 weeks, include references)

  • __________________________________________________

  • __________________________________________________

  • __________________________________________________

8. University/college previously attended (if you have previously been registered as a

full-time student at a university/college, please supply all information)


Qualifications completed/being studied_________________________________________


Field of study _____________________________________________________________


Date _____________________

Signature _________________

In the Realm of Science

  1. In education as well as in many other spheres of our life there are a great number of abbreviations. Read and remember the abbreviations to do with the degree titles, e.g.: BS stands for Bachelor of Science.

Do all of them have Russian equivalents?


Associate of Science (USA)


Associate of Arts (USA)


Associate of Applied Science (USA)


Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Arts


Master of Science


Master of Arts


Master of Philosophy (UK)


Master of Business Administration


Doctor of Philosophy




Higher National Diploma (UK)

  1. What are degree titles in Russian education system?

Unit 1. Progress Monitoring

In this unit you have worked on the vocabulary related to the topic “Higher education”

  • undergraduate/graduate programme

  • to choose a field of study

  • to take a course of study

  • to do coursework

  • vocational qualification

  • to study/prepare for a tutorial/essay/exam

  • to award a (an honour) degree

  • end-of-course assessment

  • to undertake practical training

  • to monitor one’s progress

  • to design a programme of study

  • a modular/sandwich course

  • to receive marks/credit points

  • compulsory/optional subjects

  • classroom participation

  • to pass “core”/”elective” modules

Tick (V) the points you are confident about and cross (X) the ones you need to revise.