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Unit 3 Revise & Practise

  1. Explain the difference between the words.

to invent - to patent

experiment - observation

to be nominated for a prize - to be awarded a prize

technology - technique

award - reward

  1. Work in groups. Think of 3 words with each prefix from the list below.

Example: bicycle, extraordinary, decimal, etc.

1) tele-

6) mono-

11) semi-

2) aero-

7) bi-

12) multi-

3) photo-

8) super-

13) dec-

4) micro-

9) extra-

14) trans-

5) auto-

10) hydro-

  1. Read these sayings. Comment on the one you like most.

  • Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

  • Accident is the name of the greatest of all inventors. Mark Twain

  • The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds. Claude Bernard

  • No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. Sir Isaac Newton

  1. Work on your own. Make a list of 10 international and ‘false friends’ words. Ask your fellow student to sort them out.

  1. Divide into 5 teams. Each team completes mind maps for the words: experiment, accomplishment, development, laboratory and technology. Check your results as a class.

Progress Test

  1. Use the word in blocks to form one word that fits in the gap in the sentence.

  1. The ________ of the transistor made personal computers possible.


  1. Any ________ data should be confirmed experimentally.


  1. I’ve always wanted to be a ________.


  1. The _________ of these huge ice sheets must have led to the destruction of all organic life at the Earth’s surface.


  1. What __________ reaction is going on now?


  1. Hubble’s brilliant _________ was that the red shift of galaxies was directly proportional to the distance of the galaxy from earth.


  1. Nicolai Lobachevsky was a great Russian __________.


  1. Livingstone was the first European to make an __________ of the Zambezi river.


  1. I’m afraid this device isn’t accurate enough to do all necessary ___________.


  1. The __________ of America forms the beginning of a new period, both in modern history and in modern geography.


  1. I’m sure this new digital device will find widespread ___________.


  1. Their greatest __________ was the discovery of DNA.


  1. The product of two numbers is called ____________.


  1. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for ___________ Black Holes.


  1. See how quickly you can find the answer to this rather long sum.

Four add two, divide by three, subtract one, multiply by eight, take away four, times three, plus two, minus four, halved, equals what?

  1. Complete the paragraph with the appropriate past tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Peter __________ (get) into a lot of trouble a couple of days ago when he ___________ (have) his chemistry lab class. While the teacher ___________ (explain) the procedure of the experiment he ____________ (look) out of the window and ____________ (daydream). When students _____________. (start) heating the substances he by mistake ___________ (take) the wrong test tube. He ___________ (be frightened) nearly to death to see the substance going out of the tube and splitting on the desk and his clothes. The teacher ___________ (be) very angry with him, though he __________ (be) glad Peter __________ (remember) to wear safety glasses before starting the experiment. Anyway, Peter’s lab work __________ (be) a complete failure.

  1. Read students’ jokes about the laboratory work. Decide which answer

A, B or C best fits each space. With your partner compare the results of this activity.

Example: (0) A