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Учебник Learning to Learn.doc
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What do you think?

  • What are the benefits of internship?

  • What kind of opportunities does it provide?

  • Do you agree that internship is equally important to all university students?

  • Are there any internship programs available for students in your country? If not, do you think they would be popular with science students? Why?/Why not?

Focus on language

Reported Speech

Reported speech is used to express what others have said. It is also used when you are writing a paper at college level. In this case, it involves paraphrasing and summarizing what different authors have said.

e.g.: Professor Jenkins said: “You have to submit your course work on Friday.”

Professor Jenkins said (that) we had to submit our course work on Friday.

Verbs of speaking + that

Verbs of speaking + pronoun + that

say agree explain reply complain suggest


e.g.: “You are absolutely right!” – He told me (that) I was absolutely right.

“I saw Professor Jenkins yesterday.” – She said (that) she had seen Professor

Jenkins the day before yesterday.

“Students have broken a lot of glassware today!” – The lab assistant complained that

students had broken a lot of glassware that day.

Verbs of speaking + to + verb

Verbs of speaking + noun/pronoun

offer refuse agree

introduce greet accept refuse explain interrupt

e.g. “Look, I can’t go to the party tonight” – She refused to go to the party.

Hello everybody, nice to see you.” – He greeted everybody.


  1. Complete the table to illustrate the basic rules for backshift when transforming direct speech into reported speech.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech


the day before

two days ago

the week before

next year

the next day/the following day




  1. Complete the table showing the change of tenses in reported speech.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Simple Present

Present Progressive

Simple Past

Present Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple

Past Progressive

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Progressive

Future (be going to)

Future (will)

  1. Look back in the text. Report what people say about internships.

Example: You can navigate your way through the organization once you have

got through the door as an intern," says Christi Lehner

You say: Christi Lehner said that one could navigate his or her way

through the organization once he/she had through the door as an intern.

  1. Report what the former interns said about their experience.


Recording 7.2

  1. You are going to hear an education report about internship programs in the USA. As you listen take notes to answer the questions.

  1. What kind of jobs is getting more popular with students in the USA?

  2. Do summer interns earn much?

  3. What expenses can internships involve?

  4. How do students benefit from working as interns?

  5. How do employers benefit from internships programs?

  6. Why are internship programs often criticized?

  7. What can students receive in the unpaid internships?

  8. What does Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland offer students?

Get real

Search the Internet to find information on the internship programs available in your field of study abroad. Choose the one you like best of all and take notes about this program under the following guidelines:

  • Name of the job

  • Opportunities for foreign students

  • Duties involved

  • Personal qualities required

  • Skills and qualifications to gain


Work in groups. Present and discuss the information on the internship programs you have found. See how many students would like to do it.


  1. Work with a partner. Discuss these questions.

  1. What kind of a job do you hope to get with your university degree?

  2. What degree should you get to work in research areas?

  3. Which would you prefer: to work in pure or applied science? Why?

  4. Why do industries require the application of scientific knowledge?

  1. As a class name as many science-related jobs as you can ending in -ist, -er/or, -ant/ent, -tian/cian. How many have you got?

  1. Read the text and note down the names of the jobs that are new for you. In pairs compare your lists.