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IV. Answer the following questions:

1. How was the ti me of the Petite Ecole students occupied? 2. What effect did the Louvre have upon Auguste? 3. Who did he choose as "his own masters"? What difference did he see in their manner of painting? 4. Why did Auguste have to confine himself to drawing?


5. What did Lecoq think of his progress? Why did he insist that Auguste should go on to the painting class? 6. Could Auguste provide himself with paint? 7. Why was he on the point of giving up everything? 8. Why wouldn't Lecoq let Auguste leave the school? Where did he send him? 9. What were Auguste's first impressions of the sculpture class? 10. Why did he decide to stay there?

V. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. Auguste had an enormous eagerness to learn. 2. Lecoq hated the idea of losing his most promising student and tried hard to help him. 3. Sculpture fascinated Rodin more than anything else.

VI. Make up an outline of the text and retell it following your points.

VII. Make up situations based on the text (Auguste Rodin - Early Years) using the following word combinations:

to take shape; to be determined; to fire smb with; to concentrate; to put smth down to smth; to be put out; to put up with smth; not to have the heart to do smth; to lose heart; to lose one's heart; to take heart

VIII. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns given in Units Twelve,Thirteen:

1. Музей изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина имеет широкие связи и программы обмена с крупнейшими музеями США и Великобритании - Метрополитен музеем, Национальной картинной галереей и т. д. 2. Вы уверены, что это Рембрандт? - Да, только это не оригинал, а копия. Оригинал находится в Эрмитаже. 3. Опера Моцарта "Дон Жуан" была впервые поставлена в Пражском национальном театре. 4. Если вы попадете в Ленинград, обязательно сходите в Русский музей. 5. В каком кинотеатре идет этот фильм? - По-моему, в "Прогрессе". 6. Пока Вольфганг записывал увертюру, Констанция рассказывала веселые истории, чтобы он не заснул. 7. Да Понте интересовал в основном сюжет, тогда как Моцарт придавал большое значение характерам героев и их переживаниям. 8. Он не сказал ни слова, пока оркестр играл мелодии из его новой оперы. 9. Пока Огюст искал чистый холст, кто-то украл его коробку с красками. 10. Пока мальчик мыл руки, его сестра накрывала на стол.

IX. Read the following sentences and commeqf on the character of the semantic relations between the components of the verb-postpositive phrases in bold type. Give their Russian equivalents:

1. Turn up your sleeves. She sat up all night with a sick child. A few moments later the footlights flared up, and the curtain rose. The stream has dried up. What is he up to? It's up to us to give them all help we can. 2. The children were climbing about on the rocks. There were people lying about on the grass. It's time you were up and about. This action brought about the desired effect. 3. He put it away in the pocket of his coat. She looked away and said nothing.. His money seemed to melt away. He was working away at his


drawing all afternoon. His accent gave him away. 4. The tall man bent down to speak to the boy. The house was pulled down last year. His temperature has gone down considerably. Let's get down to work. 5. He held out his hand and smiled. He took out his glasses from a worn leather case. We didn't expect him to come out with a statement like that.