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Учебник по аналитике.docx
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V. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Erik Gorin look like? 2. Why did he come to see Professor Fox? 3. Why did Erik have to clear his throat before answering Professor Fox's question? 4. What impression did Gorin make on Professor Fox? What was the Professor's attitude toward Erik Gorin? 5. What did Erik .learn from Professor Fox about his future work and studies? 6. Why did Professor Fox ask Gorin to leave his address with the secretary? 7. Why did Erik tell Professor Fox about his summer? 8. Why did Erik stay with the Hollingworths for only two weeks? 9. Why did Erik feel scared after his talk with the fellow who gave him a lift to Cleveland? 10. Why did Erik quit the job at the gas station? 11. What helped Erik to overcome all his difficulties that summer? 12. What were Gorin's feelings while he spoke to Professor Fox? 13. What is your impression of Erik Gorin?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. Erik was happy to get the appointment at Columbia. 2. Erik had a difficult time during the summer months. 3. Erik felt scared in Professor Fox's presence, but he wanted to make a good impression on him. 4. Professor Fox liked the new assistant and tried to put him at ease. 5. Professor Fox was not uninterested in Erik's story.

VII. Talk about: a) Erik's summer experience; b) Erik's interview with Professor Fox; c) Professor Fox's first impression of Erik Gorin.

VIII. Make up dialogues between:

  1. Professor Hollingworth and Erik Gorin (2 dialogues), a) Erik's appointment at Columbia University; b) Erik's visit to Wisconsin.

  2. Erik Gorin and the man who gave him a lift to Cleveland.


  1. Erik Gorin and the man whose place he had taken at the gas station.

  2. Professor Fox and his wife (Fox's impression of the new assistant).

Use the following colloquial expressions wherever possible:

I'm sure; I see; I really can't; I'm afraid not; I shouldn't wonder; I'm awfully sorry; It's awfully kind of you; Why, what's wrong with it?; Good heavens!; Nothing in particular; That's too bad; Why not do...?; Naturally; Certainly

IX. Make up a character sketch of Erik Gorin as you see him.

X. Suggest a title for the text and give reasons for your choice.

XI. Group the following adjectives according to the meaning of their suffix and translate them into Russian. Dsrive antonymous adjectives wherever possible using the suffix -less:

useful (tool); risky (business); hopeful (student); forgetful (pupil); sunny (day); shaky (table); fearful (accident); careful (work); lucky (day); thankful (children); faulty (plan); cheerful (smile); brainy (bാy); thoughtful (friend)

XII. Find noun-building suffixes in the text and use them to derive nouns from the following verbs and adjectives:

to enter; dark; to recommend; to prepare; intelligent; to hesitate; to expect; to invite; to warm; gently; to appoint; to visit; to drive; to assist; to serve; to move; to own; to encourage; to advise; responsible; sincere; to amaze; bright; to impress

XIII. Give clippings from the following words:

advertisement; spectacles; airplane; popular; detective; doctor; holidays; graduate; sister; refrigerator; magazine; professor; influenza; microphone

XIV. Write out in full the following abbreviations and memorize them:


XV. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns:

1. Как бы мне хотелось купить этот словарь! Но, говорят, его распродали (to be sold out). 2. Жаль, что здесь нет телефона! 3. Хорошо бы нам жить в одном доме. 4. Вечером пошел сильный дождь. Как я пожалела, что не взяла зонт! 5. Должно быть, она ждет нас у входа в институт. 6. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл о нашей встрече. Должно быть, что-то случилось. Он, возможно, опоздал на автобус. 7. Неужели он сказал это вам? Вы, вероятно, его неправильно поняли. 8. Раз его здесь нет, он, наверное, занимается в библиотеке. 9. Должно быть, она поехала на вокзал проводить маму. 10. Очевидно, он не послушался совета друзей и поехал туда один. И. Должно быть, он ничего не рассказал ей об этом. 12. Очевидно, никто не заметил, как она вышла из


комнаты. 13. Прошлой зимой я, бывало, проводил все вечера в библиотеке. 14. Пока она была в Москве, она обычно заходила к нам каждый вечер. 15. Раз ваши родители уехали, вам придется позаботиться о вашей сестре. 16. Теперь, когда я вам все рассказала, нам легче будет решить, что делать.

XVI. Change the following sentences using the pattern wish + object clause. Make all the changes the new sentence may require:

Model: I didn't see Paul Scoffield as Hamlet. I wish I had seen Paul Scoffield as Hamlet.

1. She doesn't know English well enough to read Shakespeare in the original. 2. Unfortunately I was not at home when he called. 3. She won't be able to meet us when we arrive. 4. It so happened that she did not see them off. 5. I can't explain the matter to him now. 6. I'm so absent-minded. 7. She hopes that they will tell her the news, but they don't want to. 8. It's a pity I can't go out. It's raining heavily. 9. He wants to make friends with her, but she avoids his company.

XVII. Respond to (he following statements (or questions) using must, can't, may+Perfect or Continuous Infinitive:

Model: Why, there's no train 'and the platform looks deserted. The train must have left already or We can't have missed the train, we left early enough or You may have mixed up the time-table, etc.

1. Look, there's still a light in her room. 2. I was astonished to find the cottage locked and nobody expecting me. 3. She looks pale and worn out. What can have happened? 4. In the morning I rang them up to wish them a pleasant journey, but nobody answered. 5. Suddenly she burst out laughing. 6. Why is it so cold in the room? 7. Where's my textbook? I can't find it anywhere. 8. I wonder why Mother hasn't come from work yet. It's time she were here.