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II. Look up the meanings of the verbs to divide and to share as used in the following sentences and say how they differ:

The partition divided the room into two unequal parts.

They shared a room when they lived in London.




I. Translate into Russian passages from the text which begin and end as follows;

1. All afternoon he had been talking to her ... to be with him. 2. The young man's easy words ... close to destruction. 3. Among those people ... every thing around her. 4. The memory of all this ... to see Grace. 5. Grace watched John's gloomy face ... I suppose ...

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences:

выцветшая фетровая шляпа; он опустил руку в карман за деньгами; он стоял всего лишь в нескольких шагах от отца; он сосредоточенно вертел книгу в руках; две пуговицы на его жилете были расстегнуты; поношенная одежда; приличный костюм; он был очень похож на; воскликнуть с горечью; он стоял, опустив голову; посмотреть с тревогой на; она улыбнулась ему; приятно проводить время; быть на пенсии; отличиться в университете; поднять глаза; отвернуться; становиться невыносимым;


соответствовать, подходить к чему-л.; она смотрела прямо перед собой; быть смешным; кивать головой; чувствовать себя несчастным

III. Reproduce situations from the text using the following words and word combinations:

1. to catch a glimpse of, to be sure, a faded felt hat; 2. to talk to smb eagerly, with an anxious diffidence, to be delighted; 3. to reach into one's pocket for, to be accustomed, only a few feet away from; 4. to turn over a book thoughtfully, to adjust smth, to be undone, shabby clothes, to look very much like, to cry out bitterly, to own a decent suit; 5. to stand with one's head down, to look at smb anxiously, to get in each other's way, to use one's elbows, to be sure of oneself; 6. to whisper smth uneasily, a breath of air, to smile at smb brightly, to stir smb; 7. to amuse oneself, to be on a pension, to distinguish oneself, to share smth, to sit up; 8. to look up cautiously, to stare steadily over one's glasses, to talk to smb hurriedly, to turn away; 9. to get unbearable, to hurt smb, to long to say, to turn up one's nose at smb; 10. to make smb a snob, to grope for words, to fit in, to stare straight ahead, to hurt each other, to be tired of smb's company; 11. to be ridiculous, to talk to smb brokenly, to stir smb, to nod one's head miserably, to long to tell, to feel wretched

IV. Make up disjunctive questions or wrong statements covering the contents of the story and ask your comrades to respond to them (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22).

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about John's family? Was Grace's family different from his? 2. Why did John pretend not to see his father? How did he try to justify his behaviour to himself? 3. Why do you think John's father did not come up to his son when he saw him? 4: How do you account for John's sudden hostility towards Grace? What did he accuse her of? 5. How did Grace behave during the quarrel with John? 6. How do you think the incident affected their relations? 7. Do you expect John and his father to discuss what had happened during their evening talk? 8. Why do you think the story is called "The Snob"? Who proved to be the snob? 9. Could you justify John's behaviour in any way?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements;

1. The Harcourts were a united family. 2. John lacked confidence in himself and was tortured by the conflict between his ambition and his devotion to his family. 3. John Harcourt was afraid of losing Grace.

VII. Make up dialogues between:

1, Mrs. Harcourt and her son John (about Grace).

2. Grace and her mother (about John).

VIII. Talk about the characters of the story: John, Grace, old Harcourt. Make a list of words and word combinations in the text which you could use to describe the characters' feelings, behaviour and speech.


IX. Translate the following word combinations into Russian paying attention id the lexical valency of the adjectives bright, steady, lonely, faint:

1. a. bright face; a bright future; a bright colour; a bright boy; a bright sky; a bright career 2. a lonely place; a lonely cottage; a lonely traveller; a lonely heart 3. a steady voice; a steady glance; a steady light; a steady wind; a steady young man; a steady friend; a steady price 4. a faint sound; a faint idea; a faint colour; a faint voice; faint traces; faint efforts; a faint attempt

X. Choose nouns from the list given below which can be used as direct objects of the following verbs:

to welcome; to resume; to share; to accept; to offer

Nouns: a meal; a room; food; a proposal; a present; work; a speech; a table; a story; knowledge; expenses; a plan; a guest

XI. Give examples to illustrate the grammatical valency of the following verbs

to turn; to make; to feel; to run


I. Translate the following sentences paying careful attention to the use of Participle 1 or of without + gerund.

State the function of each participial or gerundial phrases:

1. He cleared his throat and stood up, hoping to be dismissed painlessly. 2. The words came tumbling out. 3. Mr. Cowlishaw knew that he could not do this without sinning against professional etiquette. 4. "It's like this," said the patient, putting his hand in his waistcoat pocket. 5. In a few minutes Tom ran out of the house, looking neither to the left nor the right. 6. Being very honest, he could only tell them the truth. 7. "Do you mind if I take another cigarette for later?" He shook the package to remove another cigarette without waiting for the doctor to answer. 8. Reading the disappointment in her eyes, he decided to reveal his secret. 9. Colonel Ingram ingloriously bolted, overturning a palm in his flight. 10. "Can I do anything for you?" he asked without offering me a seat.