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VI. Reproduce the following passages:

1. The homeland of the Great October Socialist Revolution became the first country to lay the foundations of socialism. Shortly afterwards, the path of non-capitalist, and subsequently socialist, development was taken by the Mongolian People's Republic. Next, as a result of the victory of peoples over fascism in the Second World War and the postwar successes of the liberation movement, many more countries broke with capitalism. Currently, socialist ideas have


been finding practical embodiment in a large group of countries in different parts of the world, in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.

2. History has known of many multinational states, but in none were all the peoples equal, and were able to deal independently and freely with the state affairs. Such a state emerged for the first time ever after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

For centuries, the Russian empire was a prison for the peoples that populated it. Before the Revolution the working people of non-Russian nationalities suffered from double oppression - class and national.

After the October Revolution there occurred a most profound change in national relations in our country; for the first time in history they were based on the internationalist principle of the equality of all nations, nationalities and races.

In creating the multinational socialist state, the Communist Party actually fulfilled the basic principle of its national programme: the nations' right to self-determination right up to seccession and the formation of an independent state.

3. The draft Guidelines for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for the 1981-1985 and for the Period Ending in 1990, drawn up by the Central Committee of the CPSU for the Party's 26th Congress, notes that under the tested leadership of the Leninist Party the Soviet people have implemented the economic strategy worked out by the 24th and 25th Congresses of the CPSU and have achieved further successes in the creation of the material and technical base of communism.

The alliance of the working class, collective farm peasantry and the intelligentsia has grown stronger, as has the socio-political and ideological unity of Soviet society, and the friendship of the peoples of the USSR has become even closer. Socialist democracy has risen to new height: a new Constitution of the USSR has been adopted, the Constitution of a developed socialist society. The co-operation of the USSR with the fraternal socialist countries has broadened. The Soviet Union consistently implements the Programme of struggle for peace and international co-operation and the relaxation of international tension.

4. At the May 1982 Plenary Meeting the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted the Food Programme of the USSR for the period ending in 1990. The preparation and implementation of this Programme is a fundamentally new step in the system of our planning, in the management of the socialist economy.

The main specific feature of this approach is to combine the work of agriculture, as well as industries, transport and trade, to subordinate their entire activity to the single ultimate objective - producing high-quality food products and supplying them to the consumer.