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Учебник по аналитике.docx
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XXI. Make up situations based on the story "The Tattoo" using the following word combinations and structural patterns:

to welcome a plan; to agree to smth; to agree with smb; 'to be driving at; to. deal with smb; to be easy (hard) to get on with; to receive a hearty welcome; to have very little experience in doing smth; to go through with; to take every precaution; to control oneself; to make inquiries about; to wonder why...; to resume one's seat; to get to sleep; to fall asleep; not to have a wink of sleep; had better; would rather; must have done; can't have done; I wish I could

XXII. Make up sentences based on the story "The Tattoo" using clauses of unreal condition.



I. Use one of the patterns - to do smth, to have smth done, to want/need doing smth - in your answers to the question: What would you do or say or ask if....:

1. Your radio set stopped working again (to repair). 2. Your little brother's shirt is stained with ink (to remove the spots). 3. Johnny's hands were very dirty when he came home from school (to wash). 4. The cover of this book is very old and the book is falling to pieces (to bind, bound, bound). 5. This article is very difficult. You won't, be able to translate it yourself (to translate). 6. Ann is taken ill and she is not able to type her report in time (to type). 7. My mother often has splitting headaches (to take smb's blood-pressure). 8. "I don't like the wallpaper in the hall. It's too dark," Mary said (to repaper). 9.' The doorbell won't ring. There is something wrong with it (to fix). 10. Your sister's costume is out of fashion (to alter).

II. Translate the following sentences and situations a) into Russian::

I. They must have taken for granted that you would agree to go there. 2, He may have read the article but he did not mention it for some reason. 3. He can't have gone through with the experiment and obtained reliable results. It's too soon. 4. If he had taken your advice he wouldn't have got into trouble. 5. She must have found out the truth. No wonder she refused to speak to him. 6. She would have coped with the task if she had agreed to our plan. 7. She must have thought it very strange that they didn't corne to see her off. 8. The train used to leave earlier. It was more convenient for me. 9. She may have seen the ballet. You'd better ask her before buying tickets. 10. Do you mind staying here a little longer? 11. He can't have changed his mind about making the journey. You must have misunderstood him. 12. If I were you I would never have gone out with him. His behaviour seems strange.

b) into English:

1. "Мы, должно быть, едем не в том направлении. Эти места мне незнакомы. Неужели шофер сбился с пути? "-" Не думаю.


Он, должно быть, поехал по дороге, которая нам неизвестна. Нам бы лучше спросить его, куда он едет. Он может быть, не понял нас". 2. Прежде чем пойти к новому зубному врачу, миссис Клауз навела справки о его квалификации. Разузнав все (on inquiry), она решила, что именно этот человек ей и нужен. 3. Мистер Каулишо предложил миссис Клауз запломбировать зуб, а она настаивала на том, чтобы его удалили. Мистер Каулишо почувствовал, что с ней трудно иметь дело. 4. Мистер Каулишо сказал, что ему не раз приходилось удалять зубы, но миссис Клауз сильно сомневалась в этом. Однако ей ничего не оставалось делать, как опять сесть в кресло и надеяться на лучшее. Мистер Каулишо приказал ей крепко держаться за стул. Миссис Клауз была страшно напугана. Однако она взяла себя в руки. 5. Мистер Каулишо упал в обморок от нервного напряжения. Он долго не приходил в себя.