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IV. Make up disjunctive questions or wrong statements covering the contents of the story and ask your comrades to respond to them (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22).

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the scene set at the beginning (at the end) of the story? 2. Why did Mrs. Packletide wish to kill a tiger? 3. Why do you think she made up her mind to give a party in Loona Bimberton's honour? What did she intend to give Loona on her birthday? 4. How was the shooting party arranged? What kind of tiger was chosen for the purpose? In what way did the villagers help Mrs. Packletide shoot the tiger? 5. Who was Miss Mebbin? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Packletide? How did she behave during the shooting party? 6. Was Mrs. Packletide a good shot? What happened when she fired at the tiger? 7. Why did Miss Mebbin draw Mrs. Packle-tide's attention to the fact that the wrong animal had been killed by the rifle shot? How did the latter take the news? Did the villagers notice what had really happened? 8. Do you think Mrs. Packletide succeeded in revenging Loona Bimberton's achievements? 9. What suggestion was made to Mrs. Packletide a few days after the County Costume Ball? Why do you think Mrs. Packletide refused to fall in with the suggestion? 10. How did Miss Mebbin manage to get a week-end cottage? Why did she plant so many tiger lilies in her garden? 11. Why did Mrs. Packletide give up big-game shooting? 12. What is the author's attitude towards his characters? What traits of human nature does the author ridicule in the story?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. Mrs. Packletide was not a sportswoman, she had other reasons to go big-game shooting in India. 2. It was a stroke of luck for the villagers to have a wealthy lady shooting in the local jungle. 3. Mrs. Packletide's ambition was realized. 4. Miss Mebbin knew how to take advantage of Mrs. Packletide's confidence in her.

VII. Make up stories as they might have been told by:

a) Miss Mebbin: "How 1 helped Mrs. Packletide become popular." Suggested circumstances: Miss Mebbin doesn't like Mrs. Packletide and never misses a chance to make the most of her position as a paid companion.

b) The headman of the village: "We were lucky to get a chance to earn easy money."

Suggested circumstances: The headman of the village knows Mrs. Packletide is very rich and he is glad to get a chance to earn easy money. Besides he is sure there will be a lot of fun during the shooting party. Mrs. Packletide is no shot. He has to arrange everything so that she couldn't help but kill the tiger.

c) Mrs. Packletide: "My popularity was bought at too great a price."

Suggested circumstances: Mrs. Packletide is jealous of Loona's popularity and goes out of her way to surpass that lady's achievements. She does so but she has to pay too high a price for it.


VIII. Make up dialogues between:

1. Mrs. Packletide and the headman of the village. (They arrange for a shooting-party.)

2. Mrs. Packletide and her paid companion. (Miss Mebbin takes full advantage of Mrs. Packletide's mistake.)

3. Loona Bimberton and a lady-friend of hers. (Mrs. Packletide's success makes Loona furious.)