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IX. Make up short situations using the following gerundial phrases?

on hearing the news; before reaching the city; on arriving at the cottage; after consulting with smb; before starting on a journey; on boarding the train; after making inquiries; on resuming one's work


X.Think of Russian sentences with деепричастный оборот that can be translated into English with the help of the structural patterns - before, after, on + gerund. Ask your fellow-students to translate them.

XI. Make up situations suggested by the following sentences paying careful attention to the word combinations in bold type:

1. John felt ashamed. He had told his father a hundred times that he ought to wear his good clothes when he went out. 2. Grace put down their quarrel to the hot weather. 3. Betsy didn't take heart even when her mother suggested a party. She knew she would feel miserable with Merry Ann around. 4. Mrs. Clowes was so determined to have her tooth out that she would not listen to the dentist's reasoning. 5. Mrs. Thayer was greatly concerned about their guests' comfort. 6. "How can you have the heart to leave so abruptly?" Mrs. Drake said to her husband. "Our hostess will be o'ffended." 7. The Worm didn't want to put up with the Senior Lieutenant's jokes any longer. 8. John Perkins felt put out when he discovered that his wife was not at home. 9. Enid's thoughts were on-the coming holiday and she couldn't concentrate on the work in the shop. 10. As the consul listened to the Kid's story, a scheme was taking shape in his mind.

XII. Read the following sentences and suggest Russian equivalents for the parts in bold type:

1. Fired with this, spirit, he went down to an early breakfast, then got down to work. 2. How long he waited beside the car, Roger never knew. He avoided consulting his watch and simply concentrated his mind on keeping warm. 3. Regular old skinflint he is. What she has to put up with! 4. "I saw it," she said. "I was as wide awake as you are!" 5. Since Bob had died and Nancy had got married, Mum and Dad didn't seem to have the heart to leave the farm. 6. He flushed and looked distressed, but I was determined to know the truth. 7. "It is a mystery which has not yet been solved. Perhaps you will solve it." I was surprised to hear myself say: "I hope so." "You will if you are determined to." 8. Father looked worried and I knew that he was wishing that Uncle Dick were at home so that he could consult him ... After a while Father said that as I seemed determined, he supposed I must have my way. 9. "Come, lie down ... It was only your dream." "But I know when I am awake and when I'm asleep. There was something in my room. Itcame and stood at thebottomofmy bed.""You have had a nightmare." "I was awake, I tell you. I was awake. I woke up and saw it. It must have awakened me." 10. Even now I cannot think I was altogether unreasonable in jumping to the conclusion that Norton had seen through those glasses of his something that he was determined to prevent my seeing. 11. "You think, madam, that you may have had a little nap and -er-" the doctor broke off tactfully. "I have had a nap, but if you think this was a dream, you're quite wrong - I saw it, I tell you." 12. Sergeant Weatherall remarked meaningly: "He didn't like those questions - didn't like them at all. Put out he was." 13. He loves me. I simply shouldn't have the heart to leave him. He'd be lost without me. 14. I began to read my papers


again, but I found it difficult to concentrate on them. 15. I lay in bed, getting hotter and hotter, and more wide awake, till I didn't know what to do with myself. 16. Though the heat was oppressive, it wasn't the heat that kept him awake. 17. ... he was unpopular with his party, ... and yet his management of affairs was so brilliant that they had to put up with him. 18. When you come back we'll go out together and see a show or two, shall we? 19. "You haven't been to see your people yet, have you?" he asked. She let go of his hand. It was for the first time that Lionel suggested that she should see her family. 20. Almost immediately Lori'sensed that her sweet mother, usually so concerned about frilly dresses and hair ribbons and Lori's every comfort, had abandoned her for the smiles of her new husband. 21. Supposing she should come seriously to lose her heart to him? Allerton, I knew, was a real bad lot. 22. Afterwards, thinking it over, I was inclined to put everything down to the atmosphere of the house. 23. My hands shaking a little, I adjusted the glasses to my eyes. 24. He made a joke or two and seemed far more cheerful and wide-awake than usual. 25. When Jim didn't come back, she was a little concerned. 26. "It is my house - and I am more concerned about the problems it holds than I am about the boards and the chandeliers!"