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Учебник по аналитике.docx
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I. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text:;

1. Ben absolutely abhors visiting and thinks there 'ought to be a law against invitations that go beyond dinner and bridge. 2. Ben swore he would pay no more visits until he could think up a graceful method of curtailing them in the event they proved unbearable. 3. It would be very hard to rest there in the city, with the producers and publishers and phonograph people calling him up all the time. 4. And of course if things aren't as good as they look, Irene's telegram will provide us with an easy way out. 5. "I think it's sure fire," he said. "I'm crazy to get to a piano and fool with it." 6. ... faucets that stayed on when turned on, and an ash-tray within reach of wherever you happen to be. 7. I'd be a fine one to ask you to my home for a rest and then make you perform. 8. Ben favored me with a stricken look ... and went up to our room, where he stayed nearly an hour, jotting down his new tune.

II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs:

to abhor; to swear; to pay; to hit; to stick; to hum; to throw; to drink; to try; to pour; to run; to hold; to hurt; to enjoy; to jot; to flow; to strike

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and use them in situations based on the text:;

выходить за пределы чего-л.; вот способ, который он нашел; не иметь ничего против; он предпочел бы (сделать что-л.); оставить телеграмму у секретаря; отправиться в путь; ближайшие планы; я никому не сообщу, что ...; Ну, как это звучит? - Великолепно!; принять приглашение; как это ни странно ...; они бы не дали мне ни минуты покоя; предупредить кого-л. заранее; ему подали кофе; он пьет черный кофе; полная столовая ложка сливок; он улыбнулся через силу; почему бы вам не попробовать бросить пить кофе? мне не терпится проиграть эту мелодию

IV. Develop the thought expressed in each sentence to bring out the meaning of the words in bold type:

1. They cross-examined me about our immediate plans. 2. It will be Liberty Hall for you both. 3. If he wants exercise, there are miles of room in our yard to walk around in. 4. If they stick to their promise to keep us under cover ... . 5. It won't take me five minutes at a piano to get it fixed in my mind. 6. But presently we were summoned downstairs to luncheon.

V. Give a neutral variant for each of the following:

1. "Listen, dearie," said Mrs. Thayer. 2. It's sure fire. 3. I'm crazy to get to a piano and fool with it (the tune). 4. Here! Here! None of that! 5. Nothing doing! 6. I'd be a fine one, if ... . 7. How wild we are about your music.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What do we learn from Mrs. Drake about her husband's tastes and habits? 2. What did Mrs. Thayer think of Ben's prospects of having a rest in the city? 3. Did Mrs. Drake accept the invitation to visit the Thayers willingly? 4. Why did Mrs. Thayer's invitation to spend a week at their house appeal to Ben this time? 5. Was Ben in a good mood on the way to the Thayers? How do you know it? 6. What kind of room was given to the Drakes? How do we know that Ben was pleased with it? 7. Why did Ben leave his cup of coffee almost untouched? 8. What happened when he took out a cigarette? 9. What reason did Mrs. Thayer give for not allowing Ben to play the piano? 10. How do we know that Ben could hardly control himself?