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XVII. Read the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type and suggest their Russian equivalents:

1. Mor had great difficulty in persuading his wife to accompany him to his principal's dinners. 2. He had had himself introduced, made guarded inquiries, discovered that she was poor... 3. "I think you'd better let me speak to the girl properly in private," said Mrs.


Pearce. 4. "What name did you say?" - "She said you'd know her when you saw her." - "That's odd," I said. "Perhaps you'd better show her up." 5. Lunch was a welcome break to the long morning. 6. We had to come forward and welcome the unexpected guests. 7. We have a guest-room in this house. She is welcome to it until her plans are formed. 8. Had I been accepted in this house, I would have offered to assist in the kitchen... But I knew that Mrs. Crawford would not welcome my help. 9. I wondered what they would say if I suddenly announced my intention of running the whole affair. 10. I cannot but wonder what it is they have been discussing. 11. I've always wondered about country life in England. 12. I woke at three wondering for a moment where I was. 13. "Will you be late?" - "I don't know. It all depends. Don't wait up for me." 14. We were wondering, sir, if you would mind assisting us again. 15... he wondered whether by an unluckly chance she had seen him with Mildred.

XVIII.Analyse the use of the tenses in the following sentences. Translate them .Into Russian:.

1. As I climbed again up the back way to the house, I heard the laughter and the chatter of the men as they went home from work. 2. He caught a taxi on the corner. "London airport," he told the driver. As the taxi moved away, the phone in his flat began to ring. 3. He began to speak clearly and precisely. As he spoke, some of the phrases drifted through the window and were heard by the boys. 4. It was two hours later, as he was shaving on a borrowed electric razor, that the girl phoned back. 5. The plane from London glided into the airport as the dusk deepened into night. Near the tail of the plane a blond Englishman lay back in his seat near the window and gazed out at the lights as they flashed past the sinking aircraft. 6. As dusk was falling the tourists entered a little town in the Alps. 7. George at once placed another call with his sister. As he put the phone (receiver) down, it rang again. 8. They talked rugby for a while as they walked slowly on the terrace. 9. All along the road the trees had been illuminated. It was charming and we were exclaiming in wonder as we rode along.

XIX. Translate the following situations. Use the active vocabulary of Unit Three for the words and word combinations in bold type;

1. Мартин больше не мог читать. У него кружилась голова от усталости. Он потушил свет и погрузился в тяжелый сон. 2. Том и Гек спрятались за кустами и ждали, когда откроется дверь таверны. Наконец, дверь отворилась, и оттуда вышел никто иной, как Индеец Джо (Injun Joe). Это была удача! Наконец-то они узнали, где Джо скрывался все это время! 3. То, что мальчики увидели в старом доме, превзошло все их ожидания. Оказалось, что сокровище (treasure), которое они искали уже целую неделю, лежало у них под носом (right under one's very nose). 4. Наконец,: Давид добрался до дома своей тетки, мисс Бетси Тротвуд (Miss Betsy .Trptwoqd). У него кружилась голова от голода и усталости.


5. Крейн учил Катрин пению, и его всегда хорошо принимали в доме Ван Тассла. 6. Хотя у Крейна было много соперников, он не терял надежды. Старый Ван Тассел был добрым человеком, и с ним легко было иметь дело. Крейну казалось, что ему будет не трудно уговорить старика отдать за него свою дочь. 7. Крейн никогда не был храбрым. Не удивительно, что он упал в обморок, когда увидел перед собой всадника без головы. Когда он пришел в себя, вокруг никого не было. "Неужели мне это все показалось?" - подумал незадачливый учитель. 8. "Я надеюсь, что вы пробудете в Лондоне еще некоторое время?" - спросил сэр Роберт. "Все зависит от обстоятельств", - ответила миссис Чивли (Mrs. Cheve-ley) - "Я знаю, что в вашем доме я не являюсь желанным гостем, но я не уеду, пока не уговорю вас поддержать мой план". 9. Лорд Горинг (Lord Goring) посоветовал сэру Роберту навести справки о миссис Чивли. "Мы должны принять все меры предосторожности, чтобы не дать миссис Чивли опубликовать это письмо".