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Translate the words and word combinations in bold type and the sentences which illustrate them:

1. John Harcourt caught a glimpse of his father at the book counter.


to catch (get) a glimpse of smb, smth - see for a moment

glimpse n - a quick, imperfect view; a short look at something or somebody out of the corner (tail) of one's eye

I caught a glimpse of him in the crowd. He caught a glimpse of her from the window of the tram.

As compared with to catch sight of, to catch a glimpse of stresses the imperfect character of seeing rather than the fact of seeing.

2. ... that he was accustomed to buying books for young ladies.

to be (get, become) accustomed to smth, to do (doing) smth - be (get, become) used to, as by frequent prolonged experience or by constant practice.

Oliver soon became accustomed to hard work and bad food. He could not get accustomed to sitting on the floor in a Japanese house. He is accustomed to getting up early. There was a small summer cottage in the garden where she was accustomed to spend a good deal of her time.

3. ... as if something in the book had stirred him.

to stir vt - rouse; excite

His sincerity, the depth of his feelings began to stir her.

The woman's pitiful story stirred everybody.

4. They listened and shared this new world with him.

to share vt - use or enjoy together; have in common

He hated having to share the hotel-bedroom with a stranger. Only we two shared the secret.

5. You'd turn up your nose at them ...

to turn up one's nose at smb, smth - (fig) show dislike for, have a superior and critical attitude toward

She turned up her nose at the idea (suggestion).

6. He was groping for words to describe the secret thoughts he had always had about her.

to grope vi (about, for, after) - search for blindly, in a doubtful, hesitating way (fig)

He groped for an answer to her question.

7. ... and now they were both quickly eager to hurt each other,

to hurt vt - pain a person, his feelings

He was rather hurt by their criticism. She was hurt to find that no one admired her performance.



I. Translate the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type. Give possible variants:

1. The boys held (caught) their breath when they saw Injun Joe come into the house where they were hiding. She was out of breath when she reached the top of the hill. Half-way up the hill, he stopped to take breath. The sight of the mountain range glittering in the sunshine took our breath away. 2. He groped for the door-handle in the dark. We groped our way through the dark streets. 3. Be sure to write and give me all the news. Be sure and ring me up tonight. Make sure you will be here in time. I think there's a train at 5.15, but you'd better make sure. Do you know it for sure? 4. His hair is turning grey. He promised to turn over a new leaf, but I doubt whether he'll keep his promise. He's always turning up where you don't want him. Come round next week, and maybe a job will turn up by then. The strange noise frightened me, but Mary didn't turn a hair. If you tell that to her, she won't turn a hair: she's the earth's most matter-of-fact young woman. 5. Children ought not to sit up late looking at TV programmes. The nurse sat up with her patient all night. I shall be late getting back, so please don't sit up for me. She was asleep when a loud noise on the staircase woke her up; she sat up and listened. Sit up straight!