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1. Sentences with while-clauses

a) Mozart saw the opera as the tragedy of the Don ..., while Da Ponte was determined to write a comedy of intrigue.

The conjunction while may have the meaning of but in contrast- в то же время, тогда как, а.

In this meaning it is synonymous with whereas.

She is always grumbling, while (whereas) he is always cheerful.

Она всегда ворчит, а он всегда весел.

The use of tense forms in such sentences is determined by general rules.

b) ... he asked her to prepare some punch to keep him away while he wrote the overture.

... he could only go on while Constanze was speaking.

The conjunction while may also introduce subordinate clauses of time. It has the meaning of during the time that, for'as long as, at that same time as - пока, в то время как, когда.


In complex sentences with a даШе-clause we generally find the following combinations of forms:

Principal Clause


the Past Indefinite

The Past Indefinite or

The Past Continuous

The combination of forms may express different time relations between the actions of the clauses.

1) The actions may be fully simultaneous.

He continued his work while she had breakfast.

Он продолжал работу, в то время как она завтракала.

She sat still as a statue while he was playing the prelude.

Она сидела неподвижно, как статуя, пока он играл прелюдию.

2) The actions may be partially simultaneous. In this case the action of the subordinate clause serves as a background for the action of the principal clause which is a shorter completed action.

While he stood irresolute, the door opened and his uncle came in.

Пока он стоял в нерешительности, дверь отворилась и вошел его дядя.

She tore her dress while she was changing.

Она порвала платье, когда переодевалась.

2. Gerund as Adverbial Modifier of Time (Prep + Gerund)

... he had wanted to hear how the Commandant's scenes sounded before introducing his music thematically into the overture.

The gerund can serve as an adverbial modifier of time. In this function it is preceded by the prepositions before, after and on.

Before indicates that the action expressed by the gerund follows that of the predicate verb and is usually placed after the predicate verb.

Erik hesitated a moment or two. before answering.

Эрик колебался минуту-другую, прежде чем ответить.

After indicates that the action expressed by the gerund precedes the action expressed by the predicate verb.

After staying away eighteen years he felt a stranger in the town.

После восемнадцатилетнего отсутствия он чувствовал себя чужим в городе.

On expresses the same relations as after. But it emphasizes the idea of immediate succession of the two actions.

On arriving at the cottage she found it locked.

Подойдя к дому, она обнаружила, что он закрыт.

The gerund introduced by after and on is usually placed before the predicate verb.


Note: Participle I can also be used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time. It generally denotes an action simultaneous with that of the predicate verb.

Crossing the street to catch his bus, he saw his sister drive by.

Переходя улицу к автобусной остановке, он увидел, как мимо проехала сестра.

Yet if both the predicate verb and Participle I are expressed by terminative verbs, the action of the participle precedes that of the predicate verb.

Turning to her, the boy remarked, "It's been a nice day."

Обернувшись к ней, мальчик сказал: "Это был прекрасный день".

//The Perfect form of Participle I which stresses a prior action (the priority of the action) is not in frequent use in Modern English. The gerund with after or on is more frequently used. //