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1. Sentences with before-clauses

At the station, before she had time to leave the car, the station-master came out and spoke to her.

In complex sentences with a subordinate clause of time introduced by the conjunction before in which both actions refer to the past we find the following combinations of tense forms:

Principal clause


a) The Past Indefinite

the Past Indefinite

b) The Past Perfect

the Past Indefinite

c) The Past Indefinite

the Past Perfect


These combinations show different time relations between the action of the adverbial clause and that of the principal clause.

a) He appointed the date for our meeting long before he came to the city.

Он назначил день нашей встречи задолго до того, как приехал в наш город.

This combination shows that the action of the principal clause precedes that of the subordinate clause. In Russian the subordinate clause is introduced by the conjunctions до того как, прежде чем; перед тем как.

b) They had not gone four miles before they saw it was going to rain.

Они не прошли и четырех миль, как увидели, что будет дождь.

The Past Perfect in the principal clause indicates that the action is not completed before the other action takes place. In Russian sentences we find the expressions не успели, не успев or the structure не ... и, как (когда).

с) I discovered the news before I had been in the house for an hour.

Я узнал эту новость, не успев пробыть и часа в доме.

The Past Perfect in the subordinate clause shows that the action is not completed before the action of the principal clause takes place. The verb in English is not negative, but it is rendered in Russian by a negative form.

2. Infinitive of Subsequent Action

Eagerly she ran to the door and opened it to see old Mr. Day standing outside.

The Infinitive is often used to express an action following the action of the predicate verb. Both actions refer to one and the same agent. In Russian we find two finite forms connected by the conjunction и.

He awoke to hear a light rain whispering in the garden.

Он проснулся и услышал, как в саду шелестит тихий дождь.

The predicate is commonly expressed either by a verb of motion - to turn, to come, to reach, to run, to rush, to walk, to return - or the verbs to look, to glance (followed by up, down, across, about, round, etc), to wake up and some others.

The infinitive of subsequent action is most frequently expressed by the verbs to find, to discover, to see, to hear and their synonyms and usually refers to unexpected consequence.

He turned to find his friends looking at him with surprise.

Он обернулся и заметил, что друзья смотрят на него с удивлением.


fie rushed into, the room to discover that it was empty.

Он бросился в комнату и увидел, что она пуста.

The infinitive of subsequent action is mostly used in narrative.