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VI. Change the following sentences using didn't have to or needn't have done to express absence of necessity:

Model: a) Why did you wait for him? It was absolutely unnecessary. - You needn't have waited for him.

b) Everybody knew the new assistant so it was not necessary for me to introduce him. - As everybody knew the new assistant I did not have to introduce him.

1. If you didn't like their plan it was not necessary to agree to it. I don't see (can't understand) why you did. 2. It was not necessary to get so worked up. No one was contradicting you. 3. It was not necessary to go into details, it only made your story boring. 4. Nobody asked me questions so it was not necessary to make excuses. 5. It was not necessary for Edward to drive his sister home; she had decided to stay for the night. 6. It was not necessary for me to wait for the bus - a neighbour of mine gave me a lift. 7. When I came, everything had already been settled, so it was not necessary for me to interfere. 8. It was not necessary to memorize the text. I didn't want you to repeat it word for word. You should have read it so that you could retell it. 9. It's all your own fault. Nobody forced you to accept the invitation. But since you have accepted it, you'd better stick to your word.

VII. Revise the texts included in Units One-Six. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. How do you think Professor Fox would have described Erik Gorin to his wife? What impressed him most about the young man? 2. Why did the attendant ask Mr. Cowlishaw if the latter was free and could receive a patient? Didn't he know that Mr. Cowlishaw was dozing over the Signal with absolutely nothing to do? 3. Why did Mr. Rannoch call Mr. Cowlishaw "an amateur"? What did "being professional" mean to each of them? 4. Why did Mrs. Clowes come to


Mr. Cowlishavv, a young dentist? She was running a certain risk, wasn't she? 5. Why did she insist on having her tooth out? It would have been more reasonable to have had it filled, wouldn't it?"6. Why did Ben accept the invitation to spend a weekend at the Thayers' when he hated visiting or staying at somebody else's house? 7. Would you say that the day Ben spent at the Thayers' was rather trying for him? Why? Wasn't he entertained properly? 8. How did Mr. Drake use popular belief that geniuses are always eccentric? 9. Why did Jackson lose his case? 10. What did Sidney call "the turning point" in their lives? 11. Why do you think Charlie was employed by the theatrical agency at once? Had he any experience in acting? 12. Why do you think Brom Van Brunt always burst into a merry laugh at the mention of the pumpkin? 13. What prompted Thacker to make a tattoo on the young man's hand? 14. Why did Thacker's plan fail? 15. Could you think of another title to the story "One Coat of White"? Give reasons for your choice. 16. Do you think the author returned to the hospital to visit his sick friend?

VIII. Make up dialogues on the following topics:

  1. Your studies at the institute.

  2. An invitation to a football match (a dance, a party, etc).

  3. A visit to a friend who is ill.

  4. An unexpected visitor (welcome or unwelcome).