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I. Translate the following sentences from the text:

1. She probed into his character, and he felt himself pierced. 2. "Naturally," he said, summoning all his latent powers of diplomacy. 3. "You don't look as if you could say 'Booh!' to a goose;" she said. "I think I can say 'Booh!' to a goose," he said. 4. I do hate the horrid velvety feeling of these chairs. It's most creepy. 5. She obediently extended it to dimensions which must be described as august ... 6. "Surely a body can decide whether she'll have a tooth out or not!" 7. And at length, when he could delay the fatal essay no longer, he said...

II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs?

to find; to speed; to stroke; to lay; to drive; to lie; to laugh; to withdraw; to arise; to deal; to hurt; to swim; to hold; to ring; to fan

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences and use them in situations based on the text:.

в дверь позвонили опять; ее рука поглаживала левую щеку; вы кажетесь таким тихоней; я очень страдаю (мне очень больно); я хочу удалить этот зуб; какое вам до этого дело; это был критический момент; принять все меры предосторожности; он был в панике; его нервы были напряжены до предела; его тошнило (он почувствовал тошноту); он ухватился за; вы должны крепко держаться за стул

IV. Respond to the following questions or statements and correct them if necessary (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22):

1. Mr. Cowlishaw's second visitor came half an hour after his first one. 2. Mrs. Clowes wasn't suffering from toothache when she came to Mr. Cowlishaw. 3. Mrs. Clowes wanted to have her tooth filled, did she not? 4. Dentists try to avoid extraction, don't they?


5. Mr. Cowlishaw had had a lot of experience in extracting teeth, had he? 6. Mrs. Clowes was a woman of strong character, wasn't she? 7. Mrs. Clowes insisted on having her tooth out, didn't she? 8. Mrs. Clowes didn't object to being given gas, did she? 9. Having made up his mind what he would do, Mr. Cowlishaw was calm and self-possessed. 10. It wouldn't have mattered if Mr. Cowlishaw had failed to extract the tooth, would it? 11. What the attendant saw when he rushed into the surgery didn't surprise him at all. 12. Mr.Cowlishaw failed to extract the tooth, didn't he? 13. Mrs. Clowes fainted from nervous excitement.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Mr. Cowlishaw find himself in a double difficulty? 2. Who was his second visitor? What was she like? 3. Did Mr. Cowlishaw impress Mrs. Clowes as an experienced dentist? 4. What did she demand that Mr. Cowlishaw should do? Do you think Mrs. Clowes was a brave woman? 5. Why did Mr. Cowlishaw feel troubled as he examined the mayoress teeth? 6. How did Mrs. Clowes take the proposal Mr. Cowlishaw made to fill her tooth? 7. Did Mr. Cowlishaw flatly refuse to take out Mrs. Clowes's tooth or did he argue with her for some time? 8. Was Mrs. Clowes afraid of pain? What did she demand? 9. Why was poor Mr. Cowlishaw in panic as he was getting ready for the operation? 10. Do you think Mrs. Clowes noticed his state of mind? 11. What instructions did Mr. Cowlishaw give to the lady? 12. What did the attendant see when he rushed into the room? 13. What did Mrs. Clowes say to the attendant? 14. Which of the two had more self-possession: the dentist or the patient?