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8. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:

1.Ми хотіли піти до театру, але через дощ залишилися вдома. 2. Як до вас потрапила ця енциклопедія? 3. Як просувається написання реферату? 4. Ґудзик відірвався, коли вона виходила з дому. 5. Лектор часто змушував їх пригадувати матеріал попередніх занять. 6. При написанні дипломних робіт ви маєте посилатися на роботи провідних вчених у галузі вашого дослідження. 7. У бібліотеці можна знайти довідники, видані у минулому столітті. 8. Для участі у цій програмі ви маєте подати два рекомендаційних листа. 9. Усі посилання подані у кінці книжки. 10. Його відрядження на півроку до Латинської Америки стало несподіванкою для усього колективу. 11. У видавництві вирував дух перемоги. 12. Дитяча уява вражає своєю силою, чистотою і яскравою грою фарб. 13. Кабінет редактора знаходиться напроти приймальні. 14. Не звертайте увагу на пляму, ці серветки добре абсорбують вологу. 15. Закінчивши курси по швидкому читанню, він миттєво поглинає нову інформацію. 16. Мати дуже добре розуміла свою дитину і з півслова вгадувала її протреби. 17. Ви маєте наслідувати Метью, оскільки він професійно редагує книжки авторів-новачків. 18. Робота цензора цікава, проте емоційно насичена.

9. A) Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English proverbs:

1. Easy come, easy go.

2. Everything comes to him who waits.

3. A bad penny always comes back.

4. Christmas comes but once a year.

5. Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.

6. Tomorrow never comes.

7. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

8. A little learning is a dangerous thing.

b) Explain in English the meaning of each proverb.

c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs.

10. Go through the ‘book’ idiom. Read the story given below which illustrates this idiom and write a story of your own. Have you seen this Book?

Are you a book collector? I'm afraid I am and any spare empty walls in my house are soon covered with shelves ready to hold my latest buys. When I see a second hand bookshop, I have to go in and always come out fully laden.

Take last week. I was in a small village in the east of England and came across what was really an antiques shop. Now antiques are a closed book to me. I know what I like but I can't tell the genuine form the reproduction, but books, well that's a different matter. The man running the shop was quite clear in his mind that I knew little about antiques and that my reasons for coming into his shop were an open book as I made straight for the corner with shelf upon shelf of books. And there shouting at me was a book with a bright blue cover that I really belived I needed. I checked the price and thought I'd casually ask if he would accept less. But he was someone who always did things by the book. He would not give way. He was the sort of person whose accounts would always be in perfect order. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever cook the books. He was also convinced that I was never any good at haggling over the price. He could clearly read me like a book.

Nevertheless the price seemed fair and it suited my book to pay the price he wanted. On the way home I pictured myself sitting down with a drink and opening the book to start reading. As I drove, I noticed that there was a police car hiding behind some bushes just round the corner. I made sure I was driving at the right speed because I had no wish to have the book thrown at me by some worthy judge. At long last I reached home and settled down in my favourite armchair. I thought I'd take a leaf out that chap's book I'd seen in the TV advertisement, who very coolly sits down, takes a sip of his drink and then opens his book with a pleasurable sigh. In my book he looks a bit stupid but then so was I because my eye alighted on a bright blue cover in a bookshelf to my left.

I'd already got a copy of the wretched book.