- •Interpreting
- •Introduction
- •The aim is clear: we do not teach languages, we teach “interpreting” Skills
- •Intuition, concentration vs dispersed attention, good memory, dominant hemisphere/ear preference.
- •Section 1. Передача имен собственных и географических названий.
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise Ex.1. Tongue Tanglers (для отработки дикции).
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training Ex.1.Restore the order of the paragraphs The real Romney-Obama dog fight
- •Answer: 1e ; 2a ; 3b; 4d ; 5f ; 6c; Ex.2.Selective Listening.
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Global public square. Henry kissinger (former u.S. Secretary of state)
- •Interview for cnn's 'Fareed Zakaria gps' (cnn - Sunday, June 8, 2008)
- •1. What do you think is the most important skill that a president is going to need? What could throw them off course? What advice would you give them, no matter who were elected?
- •2. Do you think that fundamentally the United States and Russia could have a significantly greater strategic cooperation than they do now?
- •5. So, you are not in favor of kicking Russia out of the g8? And if you were to extend the g8, would you include China?
- •6. But in a broader sense, what you are talking about is drawing these emerging powers into the global framework. Would it be better to try to create new lines?
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Pick up 3-4 articles on any urgent topic that proves interesting to you.
- •Section 1. Перевод неологизмов
- •Section 2. Article
- •International relations
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise Ex.1.Tongue Twisters (для отработки дикции).
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training Historic handshakes
- •2. John f. Kennedy- Nikita Khrushchev 1961
- •3. Richard Nixon- Mao Tse-tung, 1972
- •4. Menachem Begin - Anwar Sadat, 1977
- •5. Ronald Reagan -Mikhail Gorbachev 1985
- •6. F.W. De Klerk -Nelson Mandela, 1990
- •7. Yitzhak Rabin – Yasser Arafat – Bill Clinton, 1993
- •8. Clinton and Castro, 2000
- •9. Queen Elizabeth II and Martin McGuinness 2012
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training. Your portfolio. Краткий реферативный перевод первой статьи
- •Section 1. Перевод заимствований.
- •Section 2. Article Ex.1 Read and express each paragraph in three sentences (present your speech by memory without using text or notes) Performance art
- •Inspiring or Degrading?
- •Memorable performance art actions and artworks
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •5. We live in a very sick society in which rudeness, sadism and sex have all become commodities. We have become a society of barbarians who love to be entertained by vulgarians. Steve Allen
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Kurt Vonnegut Interview
- •Ex 2. Make up an imaginary interview in the target language. (use questions stated below if necessary)
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Краткий реферативный перевод второй статьи
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •1. Athletic Performance Is a Mental Game
- •2. Robbery Foiled By Gun-Toting us Pensioner
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Краткий реферативный перевод третьей статьи
- •Section 2. Article
- •Is science a boon to human life?
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Составьте обзорное ессе по выбранной тематике с выражением собственного мнения по данному вопросу на языке оригинала
- •Section 1. Перевод реалий
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Sight Translation
- •Ex 3. Translate a sentence and ask your partner to restore the original phrase. Check up the correctness of translation.
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting Hawking highlights
- •4. If you were a young physicist just starting out today, what would you study?
- •5. What do you think most about during the day?
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Оформите задание 1
- •Book 1 Portfolio
- •How to improve your memory
- •1. Astana: The world's weirdest capital city
- •2. Mexican police arrest officer suspected in airport shooting
- •3. Texas man finds his car 42 years after it was stolen
- •4. Why we should look to the Arctic
- •350 Injured on bloodiest day of Yemen uprising
- •Afghan government minister accused of hampering fight against insurgents
- •Text 6 Бойтесь Вашингтона с его благожелательностью
- •Text 10 а может, замолвим несколько добрых слов о России?
- •Interview 1
- •Interview 2
- •Interview 3
- •Interview 4
- •Interview 5
- •Interview 6 Полный текст эксклюзивного интервью Сергея Лаврова
- •Appendix 1
- •Ex1. Phonetic shadowing with/without text support
- •7. First ‘honest African leader’ prize given
- •8. South Korea loses national treasure in fire
- •10. British Museum to get bigger
- •11. Models under 16 banned in London
- •12. Calls to Punish Bad Language in Football
- •13. Olympic Security ceo Admits "Shambles"
- •14. Un calls for death penalty abolition
- •15. Divorce is bad for the environment
- •16.Uk plans huge wind farm programme
- •17. Afternoon naps increase risk of stroke
- •18. Museum of Laziness opens in Colombia
- •19. 10,000 Germ Species In/On Our Body
- •20. Learn In Your Sleep, Researchers Say
- •Work in pairs or groups
- •2. Putin is ‘Time’ magazine’s person of 2007
- •2. Person of the year survey
- •12. Calls to Punish Bad Language in Football
- •4. Four-letter language survey
- •14. Un calls for death penalty abolition
- •3. Death penalty survey
- •Appendix 2
- •9. Диремы с формальным подлежащим
- •Appendix 3
- •Appendix 4 keys to Section 1
- •Keys to Section 9 “Written translation”
- •Keys to Section 4 “Memory Exercise"
- •Appendix 5
- •Структурные трансформации
15. Divorce is bad for the environment
Divorce is bad for the environment. This is the conclusion of a research study carried out by ecologists at Michigan State University in the USA and published in the journal 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences'. Researchers found that divorce has different kinds of negative impacts on the planet, including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of household resources. The research team analyzed data on married couples and their use of resources in 12 countries, including the USA, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Greece, Mexico and South Africa. Lead researchers Eunice Yu and Jianguo Liu discovered that divorce led to smaller average household sizes, which resulted in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land. In many countries around the world divorce rates have been rising. "A married household actually uses resources more efficiently," said Mr Liu. He added that people seemed surprised by his findings at first, and then after thinking about it, decided it was simple. He said: "People have been talking about how to protect the environment and combat climate change, but divorce is an overlooked factor that needs to be considered." His report states that in America in 2005, divorcees could have saved more than 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water if they had stayed married. In percentage terms, divorcees used 42-61 percent more resources per person compared with a married person. To help save natural resources, Yu and Liu recommended that governments consider the environmental impact of divorce and separation.
16.Uk plans huge wind farm programme
The British government has unveiled plans to make the country the world’s leader in the use of wind farms. It announced an ambitious project to power the entire country’s homes using wind. Politicians hope that wind farms will provide 20 percent of Britain’s total power needs by 2020. To do this, power companies will need to build 7,000 wind turbines all around the British coastline. This will greatly change coastal views, which many nature lovers are unhappy about. There are also fears that the wind farms may disrupt shipping, wildlife and the fishing industry. Meanwhile, consumer groups are concerned over the fact that the public will have to pay higher electricity bills for the wind power. The government hopes the environmental benefits of its idea will win over those worried about the project. Britain’s Business Secretary John Hutton outlined his vision of greatly increasing the amount of renewable energy. He said: "The UK has some of the best offshore wind resources in the world. [It also has] a long history of design, installation and operational expertise in the offshore environment.” He added: "The challenge for government and for industry is to turn this potential – for our energy and economy – into a cost-effective reality." Britain may soon produce twice as much electricity from wind than any other country in the world. It could also be a model for how other countries can reduce the amount of fossil fuels and carbon they use. A spokesperson from the British Wind Energy Association said the UK would soon dominate the global market for offshore wind technologies.