- •Interpreting
- •Introduction
- •The aim is clear: we do not teach languages, we teach “interpreting” Skills
- •Intuition, concentration vs dispersed attention, good memory, dominant hemisphere/ear preference.
- •Section 1. Передача имен собственных и географических названий.
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise Ex.1. Tongue Tanglers (для отработки дикции).
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training Ex.1.Restore the order of the paragraphs The real Romney-Obama dog fight
- •Answer: 1e ; 2a ; 3b; 4d ; 5f ; 6c; Ex.2.Selective Listening.
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Global public square. Henry kissinger (former u.S. Secretary of state)
- •Interview for cnn's 'Fareed Zakaria gps' (cnn - Sunday, June 8, 2008)
- •1. What do you think is the most important skill that a president is going to need? What could throw them off course? What advice would you give them, no matter who were elected?
- •2. Do you think that fundamentally the United States and Russia could have a significantly greater strategic cooperation than they do now?
- •5. So, you are not in favor of kicking Russia out of the g8? And if you were to extend the g8, would you include China?
- •6. But in a broader sense, what you are talking about is drawing these emerging powers into the global framework. Would it be better to try to create new lines?
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Pick up 3-4 articles on any urgent topic that proves interesting to you.
- •Section 1. Перевод неологизмов
- •Section 2. Article
- •International relations
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise Ex.1.Tongue Twisters (для отработки дикции).
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training Historic handshakes
- •2. John f. Kennedy- Nikita Khrushchev 1961
- •3. Richard Nixon- Mao Tse-tung, 1972
- •4. Menachem Begin - Anwar Sadat, 1977
- •5. Ronald Reagan -Mikhail Gorbachev 1985
- •6. F.W. De Klerk -Nelson Mandela, 1990
- •7. Yitzhak Rabin – Yasser Arafat – Bill Clinton, 1993
- •8. Clinton and Castro, 2000
- •9. Queen Elizabeth II and Martin McGuinness 2012
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training. Your portfolio. Краткий реферативный перевод первой статьи
- •Section 1. Перевод заимствований.
- •Section 2. Article Ex.1 Read and express each paragraph in three sentences (present your speech by memory without using text or notes) Performance art
- •Inspiring or Degrading?
- •Memorable performance art actions and artworks
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •5. We live in a very sick society in which rudeness, sadism and sex have all become commodities. We have become a society of barbarians who love to be entertained by vulgarians. Steve Allen
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Kurt Vonnegut Interview
- •Ex 2. Make up an imaginary interview in the target language. (use questions stated below if necessary)
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Краткий реферативный перевод второй статьи
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •1. Athletic Performance Is a Mental Game
- •2. Robbery Foiled By Gun-Toting us Pensioner
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Краткий реферативный перевод третьей статьи
- •Section 2. Article
- •Is science a boon to human life?
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Response Rate/Sight Translation
- •Section 6. Interpreting Skills Training
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Составьте обзорное ессе по выбранной тематике с выражением собственного мнения по данному вопросу на языке оригинала
- •Section 1. Перевод реалий
- •Section 2. Article
- •Section 3. Memory Exercise
- •Section 4. Listening/Composition
- •Section 5. Sight Translation
- •Ex 3. Translate a sentence and ask your partner to restore the original phrase. Check up the correctness of translation.
- •Section 7. Sample Translation
- •Section 8. 2-Way Interpreting Hawking highlights
- •4. If you were a young physicist just starting out today, what would you study?
- •5. What do you think most about during the day?
- •Section 9. Written Translation
- •Section 10. Individual Training Оформите задание 1
- •Book 1 Portfolio
- •How to improve your memory
- •1. Astana: The world's weirdest capital city
- •2. Mexican police arrest officer suspected in airport shooting
- •3. Texas man finds his car 42 years after it was stolen
- •4. Why we should look to the Arctic
- •350 Injured on bloodiest day of Yemen uprising
- •Afghan government minister accused of hampering fight against insurgents
- •Text 6 Бойтесь Вашингтона с его благожелательностью
- •Text 10 а может, замолвим несколько добрых слов о России?
- •Interview 1
- •Interview 2
- •Interview 3
- •Interview 4
- •Interview 5
- •Interview 6 Полный текст эксклюзивного интервью Сергея Лаврова
- •Appendix 1
- •Ex1. Phonetic shadowing with/without text support
- •7. First ‘honest African leader’ prize given
- •8. South Korea loses national treasure in fire
- •10. British Museum to get bigger
- •11. Models under 16 banned in London
- •12. Calls to Punish Bad Language in Football
- •13. Olympic Security ceo Admits "Shambles"
- •14. Un calls for death penalty abolition
- •15. Divorce is bad for the environment
- •16.Uk plans huge wind farm programme
- •17. Afternoon naps increase risk of stroke
- •18. Museum of Laziness opens in Colombia
- •19. 10,000 Germ Species In/On Our Body
- •20. Learn In Your Sleep, Researchers Say
- •Work in pairs or groups
- •2. Putin is ‘Time’ magazine’s person of 2007
- •2. Person of the year survey
- •12. Calls to Punish Bad Language in Football
- •4. Four-letter language survey
- •14. Un calls for death penalty abolition
- •3. Death penalty survey
- •Appendix 2
- •9. Диремы с формальным подлежащим
- •Appendix 3
- •Appendix 4 keys to Section 1
- •Keys to Section 9 “Written translation”
- •Keys to Section 4 “Memory Exercise"
- •Appendix 5
- •Структурные трансформации
Section 3. Memory Exercise
Ex.1. Read a group of sentences to make sure that all collocations are clear to you. Read/listen to scientific phrase and repeat it. (10 phrases one after another)
1. We hope that this will enable us to answer these questions before long.
A short time later, a new pulse of volcanic activity occurred above the hot spot.
Today, the trend is to integrate small digital computers into the outlying parts of power control systems, such as telemetering systems.
If broken lumps of rock were the essential characteristic of the lunar surface, the same would be true for radio signals, which emphatically it is not.
Traces of lead are almost ubiquitous in nature (or are universal in occurrence)
Some of the difficulties involved in (or encountered when, or met with in) applying transistors to line transmission can be seen from...
The public's desire to have new generating stations located well outside populous areas comes into conflict with the desire not to disfigure the countryside with overhead...
The first units are unlikely to become operational until early next year.
More and more high-efficiency plants are coming into service.
This film can be applied to photographs and printing of every description (or of all kinds).
2. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the rocks.
It is a common practice to carry out a numerical analysis before entering upon an experimental investigation.
Native gold and platinum are among the minerals extensively extracted from such deposits. Differential equations are divided into ordinary and partial equations according to the number of independent variables.
The free electrons are accelerated to velocities large enough to knock fixed electrons from (or out of) their parent atoms....
The hot combustion products escape (or pass, or are discharged, or are exhausted, or are rejected) into the atmosphere.
The welded component is automatically ejected from the machine onto the main line conveyor. Remove (or Unscrew, or Take out) the four screws the back of the meter and use them to secure the adaptor plate to the meter.
This permits the application of such coating to existing piping without its removal from service.
Kepler's three laws could be deduced from Newton's theory of gravitation.
Both steam engine and hand gear should be disengaged.
3. This casts some doubt upon the usefulness of that theory.
Such practice will put unnecessary strain on the instrument and cause excessive wear on the threads. Some of the components responsible for the allergic reaction to bee sting have been identified.
One of the objectionable features of the Bohr model of the atom was the assumption of quantized energy states for the electron.
As boiling continues, the liquid volume decreases until all the liquid has boiled away.
The motor will be shut down automatically.
An air-traffic controller needs a device that can swiftly and accurately pick out the unique identification signal assigned to each aircraft.
The vane must be completely withdrawn from between the nozzles.
There is a wide variety of enclosure sized both standard and custom built (or made to order).
These operations can be done (or performed, or carried out, or executed) under pressure.
4. The transistors are acting (or serving, or functioning, or operating) as switches
The more complex, highly evolved (or advanced, or developed) species are found in rocks overlying those containing simpler, less advanced species.
Satellite communications over the last quarter of a century have gained widespread acceptance in long-distance telephony.
In the field of organic chemistry the combustion reactions are of great utility.
The metal industry uses silicon carbide extensively.
As a survey paper, it covers the field broadly.
It is also possible to learn much about... by an experimental approach [or experimentation)].
The valley ranges in width from 30 to 60 km.
Making its initial appearance to the general public at the exhibition was the hydraulic system.
Decreasing the size of the devices reduces the distance between gates, resulting in a shorter propagation delay.
5.There is much still to be learned (or that we need to learn) about superconductivity in organic materials.
We have still a long way to go toward understanding how the planets came into being.
Scientists are still a long way from creating living molecules in the laboratory.
These hormones are vitally important in the regulation of many phases of metabolism.
The assembly resembles a squirrel cage, except that the disks are tilted with respect to each other at an angle of eight degrees.
Lacking a satisfactory theory of the phenomenon, the first questions to be answered are necessarily very simple ones.
Changes of climate that may have occurred throughout the past few tens of thousands of years... Structural bonding is rapidly taking its place along with bolting, rivetting, welding, and brazing as a method of...
This idea gained wide(spread) acceptance (or recognition).
These starters have become firmly established as the most advanced...
Ultimately what we can do here on the Earth will be limited by the same laws that govern the economy of astronomical energy sources.
6. We have to meet exacting (or stringent, or rigid) requirements.
These compounds react with water to give (or giving) simple hydrocarbons.
The properties of water in biological systems have engaged our attention primarily because of our interest in cell membranes.
The machine requires practically no maintenance apart from electrode...
Each apprentice looks after three automatics
We have not yet addressed the specific question of where and how magmas are generated.
The behaviour of the dashpot is conditioned by the viscosity of the oil used.
The usefulness of this gypsum depends upon the fact that it...
Common to both systems are the problems of corrosion and scale deposition.
This screen is acknowledged to be among (or one of) the most efficient devices available.
An isolated hydrogen atom can be treated (or considered, or regarded, or seen, or commonly thought) as a composite boson.