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1. Прочитайте однокоренные слова, определите части речи и подчеркните словообразующие суффиксы.

  1. elaborate – elaborateness – elaboration – elaborately;

  2. depend – dependant – dependence – dependency;

  3. accept – acceptance – acceptable;

  4. significance – signification – signify – significant – significantly;

  5. convention – conventional;

  6. communication – communicative – communicate – communicant – communicable;

  7. access – accessory – accessibility – accessible – accession.

2. Образуйте:

а) существительные от глаголов: support, create, combine, vary;

б) наречия от прилагательных: natural, hard, late, near.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы и функции глаголов ‘to be’ и ‘to have’ в предложениях.

  1. A language is not a closed system.

  2. English has many national, ethnic and regional varieties.

  3. When the Romans colonized England in the 1st century of our era, the country was inhabited by Celtic tribes, and until the 5th century only Celtic languages were spoken by the people of Britain.

  4. Old English was the inflected system of morphological categories, especially in the noun and adjective.

  5. There are some everyday words of Scandinavian origin, which have been presented in present-day Modern English.

  6. More and more people have to use English for a practical purpose - administrative, professional or educational.

  7. The problem was to study the history of English from Early Old English to Modern English.

4. Прочитайте а) 1-ю форму глагола; б) 2-ю форму глагола; в) 3-ю форму глагола.

spoken, signed, written, thought, had, been, become, understood, is, uses, combine, vary, change, shape, depend, are, follow, accepted, has, provide, require, be, shared, represent, embodied, exemplified.

5. Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты русским предложениям.

  1. Он видоизменяется внутри языкового социума, и с течением времени, отдельные индивидуумы и языковые коллективы творчески изменяют его и приспосабливают под свои нужды.

  2. Языковые знаки имеют условную природу; их значение принимается группами людей, входящих в данный языковой коллектив.

  3. … невыполнение этого условия ведет либо к невозможности общения, либо к недопониманию.

  4. Успешная коммуникация также требует одинаковых фоновых знаний людей, вступивших в общение.

  5. Существует много различных языков, и каждый из них содержит в себе особую языковую картину мира.



A human language is a highly elaborate system of signs which is used both for communication and to support and guide thought. It is a primary means of creative expression for individuals and groups.

At the most basic level a language uses a mode: speech sounds, graphic symbols such as letters, or gestures, as in the case of sign languages and non-verbal communication. We often combine these different modes of language with other systems of communication. For example, a ritual may combine words, images, and actions.

A language is not a closed system. It varies across the community of speakers and over time individuals and communities creatively change and shape it to their needs. As a result languages are always varying and changing, in all subsystems of the system.

Communication depends on accessing a system of signs. The signs of language follow conventions implicitly accepted by groups of people who use the language. Language also has conventions for, when and how to combine signs. Together, the signs and conventions provide a rich system of communicative choices. Successful communication requires these signs to be shared: otherwise non-communication or miscommunication results. Successful communication also requires shared knowledge and assumptions.

A language represents a vast repository of conventional understandings and cultural traditions: as such it shapes our view of the world. There are many different languages and there are also many different world views embodied by them.

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