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3. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. Graphology is the study and analysis of handwriting especially in relation to …..

  1. the history of the document

  2. human psychology

  3. the subconscious mind

2. The activity dates back many centuries, having originally been taken….

  1. from Southern India to China and from there to Greece

  2. from China to India and from there to Rome

  3. from Southern India to Persia and from there to Greece

3. Emperor Augustus did not separate his words which led Suetonius to conclude that the Emperor ….

  1. focused attention on one activity ignoring all other influences

  2. didn’t possess strong libido and passions

  3. did not pay attention to detail in forming a picture of the whole situation

4. French monk named Jean Hippolyte Michon coined the phrase "Graphology" in….

  1. 1880

  2. 1870

  3. 1890

5. Jean Hippolyte Michone broke handwriting down into a series of strokes, ….

  1. assigning a personality characteristics to each stroke

  2. assigning a personality trait to each stroke

  3. assigning a personality power to each stroke

6. Handwriting reveals hundreds of elements of the person's personality such as ….

  1. spacing, pressure, and line quality

  2. imagination, integrity, and fear

  3. alcoholism, loneliness and success

7. A document examiner is often asked ….

  1. to present the opinion on the matter in court

  2. to foretell the future

  3. to reveal the past.

4. Работа в парах. Обсудите с партнером, чем занимаются судебные эксперты и графологи. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с партнером, используя предложенную модель и словосочетания из текста, приведенные ниже. После обсуждения запишите в таблицу, что общего между ними, а что их отличает друг от друга.

Model: If I were a graphologist, I would pay attention to the slant of the letters and words.

If I were a forensic document examiner, I would pay attention to the slant too.

to interpret the character of the writer, to determine the authorship of the document, to study handwriting, to determine the genuineness of the document, to analyze handwriting, to compare handwriting, to break handwriting down into a series of strokes, to foretell the future of the writer, to describe writer’s character, to determine what has happened to a document, to reveal the past of the writer, to determine when a document was produced.





5. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами из рамки. Сформулируйте письменно основную идею текста.

Handwriting as a personal trademark

Handwriting is a very personal and individual trademark of personality. As no two people have exactly the same handwriting, _____1_____ have for hundreds of years been regarded as legally binding on documents of all types. A person's handwriting is his own private trademark or __2____ which cannot be reproduced by any other individual.

This was firmly believed by no less a personality than Sir William Herschel who founded the system of identification through ____3______. He accepted that handwriting revealed character in the same way that fingerprints reveal identity.

Alfred Binet, the renowned _____4_______ who founded the modern method of I.Q. Testing for intelligence was a firm supporter of _____5_____ and confirmed that certain handwriting traits revealed actual ____6_______.

The French psychologist, Pierre Janet (1859-1947) referred to handwriting analysis as a "science of the future" and described handwriting itself as; "an act which leaves _____7_____. It is the film record of the writer's sensibilities."

The "printout" left by handwriting is a description of the individual's character in psychological code. The graphologist, by using scientifically validated graphological techniques in combination with psychological theory is able ____8_____ that code and to translate it into _____9______ of the writer's character.

6. Психологический практикум. На неразлинованном листе бумаги напишите предложенный ниже отрывок текста в несколько строчек. Ответьте на вопросы теста и определите, какими, по мнению графолога, чертами характера Вы обладаете. Выступите перед группой со своим анализом, что совпало, а что нет, по Вашему мнению, с результатами графологической экспертизы. (Инструкция, как оценить Ваши ответы приводится ниже).


  • On blank (unlined) paper please write the paragraph below as you normally would.

  • Use at least two lines.

  • Keep the paper in front of you so that you can answer the questions

'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)

“Alice's adventures in wonderland” Lewis Carroll

1. How would you say your letters slope?

  • Backward

  • Straight up and down

  • Forward

2. Are the letters in your words

  • Fully connected, with clear breaks between the words?

  • Partially connected, depending on the letters?

  • Unconnected, like printing?

3. Between words, do you leave

  • Wide spaces?

  • Narrow spaces?

  • No spaces - words are connected, pen doesn't leave paper?

4. How close together are your lines of writing?

  • Very far apart

  • Apart far enough that the letters do not touch

  • Close enough that the descenders of the top and the ascenders of the bottom overwrite each other.

  • Note: Ascenders are letters like h and t. Descenders are letters like y and g.

5. What color ink did you choose?

(If you used another color, which of these three would you prefer?)

  • Blue-black

  • Red

  • Light Blue

6. How large was your capital I in the sample?

  • Larger than the other capital letters

  • Smaller than the other capital letters

7. What do your t bars look like? (The crossbars on your letter t)

  • They tend to be to the left of the stem of the t

  • They cross the t more or less in the middle

  • They tend to be to the right of the stem of the t

8. Does your writing slope

  • Upward on the page?

  • Downward on the page?

9. Which takes the most space vertically in a line of your writing?

  • The ascenders (letters like t and h)

  • The middle zone (letters like a, e, n)

  • The descenders (letters like y and g)

10. How much pressure does your writing show?

  • Fine and spidery?

  • Firm and even?

  • Heavy?

Check your answers with the analysis below.

1. Your letters slope,

Backward - indicates that you are shy, hesitant and afraid to show your feelings.

Straight up and down - indicates that you are a person with a strong need for contact.

Forward - indicates that you are reticent and self-controlled.

2. The letters in your words are,

Fully connected - indicates that you are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.

Partially connected - indicates that you are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships.

Unconnected - indicates that you are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.

3. The spaces between your words are,

Wide - indicates that you are reserved, shy, cautious, and thoughtful.

Narrow - indicates that you are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!

No spaces - indicates that you are impatient and self-confident.

4. How close together are your lines of writing?

Very far apart - indicates that you are isolated, detached and reserved.

Apart far enough that letters do not touch - indicates that you enjoy social interactions and are talkative.

Close enough so that the descendants touch the ascendants - indicates that you like to be organized.

5. What color ink did you choose?

Blue black - indicates that you are rational and conservative. You adhere to conventions and traditions.

Red - indicates that you are spiritual rather than material, and may have a deep understanding of other people's problems.

Light blue - indicates that you are strong, vital, energetic and affectionate. You also have an original approach.

6. How large was your capital I in the sample?

Larger than the other capital letters - indicates that you are a person with a high opinion of yourself, or who wants others to think that you do.

Smaller than other capitals - indicates that you are well adjusted and harmonious, a person content with your current role.

7. What do your t bars look like?

Crossbars tend to be to the left of the stem of the 't' - indicates that you are cautious, possibly uncertain about things.

Cross the 't' more or less in the middle - indicates that you are not very original but quite responsible.

Crossbars tend to be to the right of the stem of the 't' - indicates that you are reliable and conscientious with leadership qualities.

8. Your writing slopes,

Upward - indicates that you are energetic, optimistic, and assertive.

Downward - indicates that you are steadfast, purposeful, and possibly aloof.

9. Which takes the most space vertically in a line of your writing?

The ascenders - indicates that you are idealistic, ambitious, and intuitive.

The middle zone letters - indicates that you are a materialist, and prone to exaggeration.

The descenders - indicates that you have a tendency to be bossy.

10. How much pressure does your writing show?

Fine and spidery - indicates that you are a person of sensitivity, refinement, modesty, and spirituality. You may also be overly critical and austere.

Firm and even - indicates that you are a person of strong but rigid will, obstinate but powerful.

Heavy - indicates that you are a person of energy and elasticity, able to roll with the punches and adapt to whatever life brings.

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