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11. Укажите предложения, содержащие информацию о седьмой стадии судебного процесса.

  1. The judge will usually start by reminding the jury that it is for the jury and only for the jury to decide questions of fact.

  2. The judge’s role is limiting to deciding legal issues.

  3. The judge should not trespass into the jury’s province and express obvious views on the facts or the witnesses, and certainly not on the result.

  4. The judge repeats that it is for the prosecution to prove guilt, so that the jury is sure of it, and not for the defence to prove innocence.

  5. The judge defines the law of the offence charged.

  6. The judge summarizes what he sees as the main points of evidence.

  7. The judge tells the jury that they must try to reach a unanimous verdict.

12. Работа в парах. Задайте своему коллеге вопрос, касающийся одного из процессуальных положений текста. После его ответа поменяйтесь ролями. Затем задайте ещё один заинтересовавший Вас вопрос другой группе студентов. После их ответа поменяйтесь ролями.

13. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, какие из них являются условными, а какие дополнительными предложениями. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Сформулируйте правило.

1. The jury may draw inferences if a defendant does not give evidence.

2. What happens if a witness breaks his oath and tells lies?

3. He tried to clarify if they had conspired together in a carefully prepared plan to give false evidence.

4. The judge must tell the jury to consider the charges separately if there are two or more charges.

5. The judge asked the witness if he had seen the defendant on the crime scene.

6. The investigator tried to understand if the crime had been committed by a left-handed man.

7. He will now be told in open court if the defendant has committed any crimes before, and if he has, his list of previous convictions will be read out.

8. If a sentence of imprisonment is passed, the convicted person will be escorted to prison.

14. A) Составьте предложения, используя приведенные словосочетания.

1) there are / the truth about juries is that / some very good ones and some bad ones;

2) who play a bigger part in the discussion than others / there will inevitably be some people / some who will understand / some who will tend to believe the police / the legal nuances and the facts better / and others who will be much more defence minded / some who will be more patient than others;

3) there is anything fundamentally unsatisfactory / but there is very little evidence / in the way juries reach their verdicts / anecdotal or otherwise;

4) through the evidence systematically / did not necessarily work / it was found that juries / it was given / in the order;

5) the burden of proof - the presumption of innocence- / they / did not always discuss / which is at the heart of the system;

6) did not always fully understand facts / explained to them / they;

7) according to the law / but in the end / often reached the right result / they usually got the facts right / and they / even if they had imperfectly understood it;

8) to reach a correct conclusion / their collective commonsense / what matters is not so much / should understand every nuance of the law and every factual detail / should in the end use / but that they / that every member of the jury.

б) Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом.

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Jurors do not discuss…

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