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7. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. Remember a basic principle of communication: _______________

a. be polite with others

b. listen to people attentively

c. people are not mind readers.

2. Interpersonal communication is irreversible according to the proverb: ____________

a. “Look before you leap”

b. “Once a word goes out of your mouth, you can never swallow it again”

c. “Soft words win hard hearts”.

3. There is no form of simple communication because _____________

a. we exchange ideas

b. we swap feelings and ideas

c. we swap symbols that stand for ideas.

4. A tongue-in-cheek maxim is _____________

a. a real principle of communication

b. humorous reminding of the difficulty of accurate communication

c. the fact that if communication can fail, it will.

5. All the learned behaviours and rules that affect the interaction are considered as __________

a. cultural context of communication

b. psychological context of communication

c. situational context of communication.

6. Noise level, temperature, season, time of day are examples of factors in _____________

a. situational context of communication

b. environmental context of communication

c. psychological context of communication.

8. Соотнесите слово и его определение. Переведите слова на русский язык.

Inescapable, irreversible, complicated, contextual, inevitably, involved, inherent, interaction

  1. Impossible to avoid. _____________

  2. The quality, state or process of (two or more things) acting on each other. __________

  3. Not easy to understand or analyze. ____________

  4. Connected by participation or association. _____________

  5. Incapable of being returned to the original state. _______________

  6. Involving in the circumstances in which an event occurs. ____________

  7. Invariably occurring or appearing. ____________

  8. Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic. __________

9. Работа в парах. Выступите в качестве психолога. Ответьте на вопросы теста и поменяйтесь листочками с ответами с партнером.

а) Первая ситуация (А) уже оценена профессиональным психологом, воспользуйтесь ею как подсказкой и сделайте аналогичный анализ с ситуациями, данными ниже.

б) Сравните свои коммуникативные умения с умениями партнера по позициям ситуаций (В), данные в таблице, используя сравнительные обороты (asas…; more (less) … than…; as twiceas; not soas). Представьте составленный сравнительный анализ в аудитории.

Communicative skills

The partner

I (myself)


understand the body language well

listen effectively

express feelings easily

express thoughts and ideas clearly



1. When I first meet someone, ____________________

A) I wait for the other person to make the introduction first.

B) I introduce myself with a smile and offer a handshake.

C) I hug (обнимать) the person.


Best answer: B. It's good to initiate the introduction and introduce yourself with a handshake and smile. If shaking hands is difficult, a quick head nod is a good substitute. Initiating the introduction with a smile and handshake (or head nod) helps build rapport.

By looking at the answers A and C, you can deduce a few self evident realities.

A represents a conservative culture where it might be customary to let the other person speak first, as a matter of respect.

C May not be an appropriate especially if the other person is a tight lipped Brit.This is one of the main reasons why everyone should move beyond the movie stereotypes and actively engage in developing their interpersonal communication skills.


1. When I talk to someone, I put myself in his or her shoes.

    1. I do it every time.

    2. I sometimes do it.

    3. I never do it.

2. When talking to people, I pay attention to their body language (e.g. facial expression, hand movement, etc.).

A. I do it every time.

B. I sometimes do it.

C. I never do it.

3. When I know what someone is going to say, I finish the sentence for him or her.

A. I do it every time.

B. I sometimes do it.

C. I never do it.

4. Emotionally charged situations make me uncomfortable.

  1. Every time.

  2. Sometimes.

  3. Never.

5. I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words.

A. Every time.

B. Sometimes.

C. Never.

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