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Subjunctive mood

Task 1. Study the following.

Subjunctive Mood Conditional Sentences


Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение



If new methods for utilizing thermonuclear energy are devised,

Если будут разработаны новые методы по использованию термоядерной энергии,

Present Ind./Cont.

the energy reserves will be virtually unlimited.

энергетические запасы будут практически безграничными.

will + Ifn.




If there were no atmosphere,

Если бы не было атмосферы,

Past Ind./Cont.

there would be no clouds, no rain.

н е было бы ни облаков, ни дождей.


could + Inf.




If ancient people had known what the Earth was really like,

Если бы древние люди знали, как выглядит Земля на самом деле,

Past Perfect

they would have named it Oceania.

они бы назвали ее Океания.


could + have + V3


Task 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. State types of conditional sentences.

  1. I f the magma feeding a volcano happens to be rich both in gas and silica, the eruption will be explosive.

  2. If we care about the environment, we must do more than recycle our newspapers.

  3. Soil water will begin to flow downslope if it is held up above a less permeable layer.

  4. If all the water vapor in the atmosphere were condensed, sea level would go up by only about 3 сm.

  5. If suddenly melted, the ice would raise sea level by perhaps 60 m, which would flood a large proportion of continental land areas.

  6. If we could watch the development of a river cutting downward through rock of uniform hardness, we would see repeated in slow motion the events that mark the growth of a gully cut in the soft material of a hillside.

  7. If the ice is sufficiently thick, gravity forces it to move slowly downhill.

  8. If life exists on Mars, it is adapted to an environment that would soon destroy most earthly organisms.

  9. If we could explain this greatest of all mass dyings, we might hold the key to understanding mass extinctions in general.

  10. If we reconstruct the history of continental movements, we realize that a unique event occurred in the latest Permian (Пермский период).

  11. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen when the increasing solar radiation gradually affects the earth.

  12. A new ice age would be another catastrophe of the slow kind. This could occur during the next fifty thousand to one hundred thousand years. It would prevent the further rise of the sea level but it would cause a sharp worsening of the climate all over the earth.

  13. If the rock salt breaks through the earth’s surface in a dry climate, it will ooze very slowly over the land surface and continue to move, like a glacier, but much more slowly.

  14. If Jupiter’s mass were 30 times greater, the increased internal pressure would push the temperature to 20 million degrees C, and the result would be a miniature star.

  15. If a nickel-iron meteorite of the required size were placed gently on the lunar surface, it would soon have migrated to the center of the moon.

  16. If we could somehow build a star by heaping together sufficient matter of the right composition, it would start to shine of its own accord.

  17. We might classify rocks according to their origin. This would be an excellent method if it could be applied to all rocks, but the sad fact is that we simply do not know how some rocks were formed.

  18. If cooling of lava is fairly rapid and if the molten material is highly viscous, the resulting rock may consist of minute crystals or partly of crystals and partly of glass.

  19. If cooling of molten material is extremely slow, mineral grains have an opportunity to grow large and a coarse-grained rock is formed.

  20. If some of the atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere are ionized by the action of solar ultraviolet light and X-rays, the resulting assembly of charged particles will behave precisely like a mirror to radio waves.

  21. If the rate of recession of Niagara Falls (4.5 feet a year) had been maintained throughout its whole history, the 7-mile gorge would have been cut in 8,200 years.

  22. If the earth were composed of the same material from the surface downward, it should be expected to show a nearly uniform change in density from the surface downward.

Task 3. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following sentences of real and unreal condition.

  1. If the air (be warmed), it (rise) and (expand).

  2. If the earth (be) flat, the sun (be) visible at all places on the earth’s surface at the same time.

  3. If all the atmospheric moisture (be precipitated), it (create) a layer averaging only one inch in depth over the entire globe.

  4. Most lakes and rivers (dry up), if they (depend) solely upon precipitation for their store water.

  5. By reconstructing the now eroded folds, it is evident that rages (tower) 20,000 to 25,000 feet above the sea, if there had been no erosion.

  6. If we could live on one of the other planets such as Mars, the Earth (appear) to us as a big star.

  7. If permafrost (melt), groundwater flow (increase), causing mudflows and landslides.

  8. If the axis of rotation (be) perpendicular to the plane of the orbit in which the earth revolves around the sun, day and night (be) of equal length at all places and at all seasons.

  9. If the checking of the North Atlantic Drift (happen), Norway (become) a great deal colder and the population (have to) probably migrate southwards.

  10. Luckily, the hurricane occurred at night. But if it (happen) during the day, there (be) thousands killed.

Task 4. Answer the questions in complete sentences.


1. Could you secure another five specimens if the teacher asked you?

2. Who would you ask if you didn’t know the questions on hydrology?

3. How would you feel if you didn’t have a credit on meteorology?

4. What field of geography would you choose to work with in future if you had the choice?


  1. Could you have passed exams successfully if you had missed a lot of lessons?

  2. If you had been late for this lesson, would you have apologized to the teacher?

  3. If you had entered the University in 2005. When would you have graduated from it?

  4. If you had lived thousands years ago, how would you have named our planet?

Task 5 Change the following sentences according to the model. Mind the Word Order!

Model: a) If there were no atmosphere the earth would be terribly hot in the day-time and cold at night.

b) Were there no atmosphere the earth would be terribly hot in the daytime and cold at night.

  1. If the weather were fine this month the harvest should be exceptional this year.

  2. If the professor had told the students they would have examined those specimens in the cave.

  3. If there were no Gulf Stream the climate of Europe would become unbearably cold.

  4. If the Earth were composed of the same material its density should vary with pressure.

  5. If it were not volcanic eruptions there would be no oceans.

  6. If the tourists had come earlier they would have seen the tide.

  7. If there were no oceans the earth would have greater extremes of cold and heat than it has now.

Task 6. Translate the following conditional sentences into English.

  1. Если бы ледниковый покров Земли растаял, то изменилось бы направление Гольфстрима. В Британии стало бы значительно холоднее, а ее климат напоминал бы климат Норвегии.

  2. Если исчезнет какая-то часть неживой природы, не будет жизни на Земле.

  3. Если бы удалось сложить все виды осадков, выпавших на поверхности Беларуси за год, то можно было бы покрыть ее территорию слоем воды в 60-70 см.

  4. Если температура на поверхности Земли понизится, может произойти оледенение ее коры.

  5. Если бы размеры нашей планеты значительно увеличились, то скорость ее вращения резко замедлилась бы, кроме того, изменилась бы величина силы тяжести.

  6. Если бы он выучил все вопросы по химии, то сдал бы экзамен в зимнюю сессию без проблем.

  7. Если бы круговорот воды (hydrological cycle) перестал действовать, на планете прекратились бы дожди, пересохли бы реки, исчезли бы подземные воды.

  8. Если бы люди рациональнее использовали нефть, ее бы хватило на многие десятилетия.

  9. Если бы поверхность Земли была бы гладкой, то она покрылась бы двухкилометровым слоем воды.

  10. Если магма будет охлаждаться очень медленно, будут образовываться крупнозернистые структуры.

  11. Если бы не было маленьких ручьев (streamlets), вода не могла бы стекать с полей.

  12. Если бы спутники Юпитера находились далеко от планеты, их можно было бы увидеть без телескопа.