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пособие географов англ. яз. ест. фак..doc
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Complex Subject

The students are known

to secure specimens of rocks every summer.

to be securing specimens of rocks now.

to have secured many specimens of rocks already.

to be sent to the expedition.

to have been sent to the expedition.

Субъективный инфинитивный оборот употребляется с:



1. глаголами в страдательном залоге:

  • чувство восприятия:

to see

to hear

to notice

  • умственного восприятия

to think-думать

to consider-считать, полагать

to believe-полагать

to expect-ожидать, предполагать

to suppose-предполагать

to know-знать

  • глаголами

to say-говорить

to report – сообщать

to order-приказывать

to ask-спрашивать

to allow-позволять

to state-устанавливать

to announce – объявлять

The surface of the sun is estimated to have a temperature of more than 10,0000F.

All glaciers around the Northern Atlantic coast are reported to be shrinking.

Установлено, что температура поверхности солнца составляет более 100000 по фаренгейту.

Сообщают, что все ледники вдоль Северного Атлантического побережья уменьшаются.

2. to be likely - вероятно

to be unlikely – вряд ли, маловероятно


to be certain обязательно,

to be sure бесспорно,


Reserves of coal and oil are likely to be exhausted in less than a century.

Вероятно, что запасы угля и нефти истощаться менее чем через сто лет.

3 . to seem казаться,

to appear по-видимому

to prove оказываться

to turn out

t o happen случаться

to chance

The oldest glaciation appears to have taken place in Ontario around 2.3 billion years ago.

Grey limestone formations proved to be very hard.

Древнее оледенение, по-видимому, имело место в Онтарио около 2.3 миллиардов лет назад.

Формации серого известняка оказались очень тяжелыми.

Task 9. Translate the following into Russian. State the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

  1. The pyramids of Egypt are thought to record the pattern of the stars in the sky.

  2. Mountains were thought to have formed through the consequent contraction of the earth’s interior.

  3. The solar system is thought to have started as a defuse cloud of gas and dust, in which the planets grew by accretion (увеличение, наращение).

  4. By the year 2015, urban areas are expected to be home to more than half of the world’s population.

  5. The earth’s supply of hydrogen fuel is believed to be largely used up.

  6. When material on a hillside has weathered, it is likely to move downslope because of the pull of gravity.

  7. Polar bears are estimated to be extinct by 2060.

  8. Saturn’s Titan hides its surface beneath an atmosphere composed mainly of nitrogen but appears to have a polar ice cap.

  9. The scablands are believed to have been carved by gigantic floods of water.

  10. If over a period of time, the amount of snow a glacier gains is greater than the amount of ice and water it loses, the glacier expands and is said to have a positive budget.

  11. Meteorites are of interest not only to astronomers but to geologists, for they may give us clues to what the earth’s interior is like because many of the meteorites are thought to represent fragments of destroyed minor planets.

  12. Jupiter’s satellites Ganymede, Europe, and Calisto are all believed to have rocky cores covered by shells of ice and possibly liquid water.

  13. Uranus’s largest satellites seem to be predominantly made of water ice with some silicates and perhaps mixed with small amounts of ammonia and methane.

  14. Uranus’s craters of Oberon appear to have been flooded with a dark material and the surface of Umbriel appears to have been coated with similarly dark material.

  15. 2, 735, 000 tons of mineral substances are estimated to be added in soltion from all the rivers to the ocean.

  16. Most glaciers in both northern and southern hemispheres seem to have been reducing more or less rapidly for several decades.

  17. These canyons are unlikely to have been widened by lateral corrosion of streams.

  18. The attraction of the Sun and the Moon is supposed to affect not only the waters of the ocean but also the solid crust of the Earth.

  19. Corals have long been known to have distinct bands that represent annual growth. The bands are themselves made up of narrower bands that seem to represent monthly growth and are probably related to the tides and monthly cycle of the moon.

  20. Debris flows are most likely to occur in areas where loose weathered matrial (regolith) can build up.

Task 10. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the models. Mind the tense-form of the predicative.

Model 1: Hydrogen is known to be the lightest of the elements.

It is known that hydrogen is the lightest of the elements.

  1. The running water is considered to be the most important erosive agent.

  2. More than 1/5 of the whole land surface is estimated to have been covered with ice late in the Pleistocene Epoch.

  3. Sedimentary rocks are believed to be formed by deposits laid down on the floors of oceans.

Model 2: Grey limestone formations proved to be very hard.

It proved that grey limestone formations are very hard.

  1. This approach seems to be working.

  2. Changes in atmospheric pressure appear to have some effect on animals.

  3. The western part of the region proved to be rich in coal, iron-ore and other metallic ores.

Model 3: Artesian water is likely to move over considerable distances from a recharge area.

It is likely that artesian water moves over considerable distances from a recharge area.

  1. Extensive areas with similar climates are also likely to have resemblance in natural vegetation and soil.

  2. Tornadoes are unlikely to occur in winter or autumn.

  3. An air mass with colder, drier air in its surface layers than aloft is certain to be stable.

Task 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the rules in Task 8.

    1. Подсчитано, что средний радиус Земли составляет 6371,11 км.

    2. В настоящее время подсчитано, что Латинская Америка и Азия потеряли около 2/5 территории своих лесов.

    3. Известно, что реки несут около 22% осадков.

    4. Говорят, что он изучает подземные воды в районах многолетней мерзлоты.

    5. Ранее полагали, что Марс имеет как атмосферу, так и гидросферу.

      1. Исаак Ньютон случайно открыл закон всемирного тяготения.

      2. Гипотеза расширяющейся (expanding) Земли оказалась несостоятельной при объяснении происхождения складчатости.

      3. Первичный океан был, по-видимому, пресным, потому что его образовывали воды рек и дожди.

  1. Вероятно, что цены на нефть и природный газ возрастут.

  2. Маловероятно, что геологи обнаружат новые месторождения самоцветов в этом регионе.

  3. Атакама, бесспорно, очень древняя пустыня.

Task 12. Study the following.

The For-to-Infinitive Construction


is easy

It was impossible for smb. to do smth.

will be hard


The immensity of geologic time is hard for humans to perceive.

Людям тяжело воспринимать безграничность геологического времени.




(enough) for smb. to do smth.

For several days after the slide the road was too muddy for people to walk on.

В течение нескольких дней после оползня дорога была слишком грязной, чтобы люди могли ходить по ней.

Task 13. Translate the following sentences. State the For-to-Infinitive Construction.

  1. There have been good reasons for people to brave the cold of Antarctica – to further research and search for new mineral sources.

  2. The climatic changes necessary for a glacial age to occur are not so great as one might imagine.

  3. There has not been enough time for weathering and erosion to alter significantly the effects of glaciation.

  4. Oil has brought development and riches into desert regions where previously, there was little reason for anyone to choose to live there.

  5. In summer, when the sun is overhead, central Asia gets very hot – it is too far inland for the sea to cool it down.

  6. Drought accelerates desertification but it is not necessary for it to occur.

Task 14. Translate into Russian, comparing different functions of verbs in bold type.

  1. Very violent storms appear in the tropics during the late summer and early autumn.

  2. Deposition appears to be one of the main processes that modifies the sea bottom.

  3. When lava appears at the surface of the earth it is known as magma.

  4. Running water because of its almost universal distribution appears to be the most important erosion agent.

  5. Laplace attempted to prove that all members of the solar system have common origin.

  6. White limestone proved to be very soft.

  7. Several methods have been used to determine the length of the post glacial time but most of them proved to be unreliable.

  8. Cities first appeared at least 5,000 years ago.

  9. Environment proves to be a dynamic system rather than a static, unchanging system.

  10. The rate of movement of a hurricane appears to be entirely unrelated to either its size or the wind velocity within the system.

  11. No attempts appear to have been made to evaluate the geologic effects on human occupation of this area.

  12. Astronomers proved that there are many discrepancies in the Laplacian nebular hypothesis.

  13. Extensive air masses such as appear on the daily weather maps originate when the atmosphere remains sufficiently at rest over an extensive area of uniform surface.

Task 15. Revision Translation.


  1. People long for the rains to come, to cool the air and help the rice crop to grow.

  2. There is much still to learn about what lies under the polar ice.

  3. The sedimentary rocks of the Alps are estimated to have covered an area of ocean floor about 500 km wide when they were deposited.

  4. The polar wastes of Antarctica and the Arctic islands were some of the last areas on Earth to remain untouched by humans.

  5. It is not worthwhile mining in polar regions because it costs too much to recover minerals in such harsh conditions.

  6. If a major mountain chain lies astride a normal wind direction, the mountains force the air to rise and cool.

  7. The interior plains between the Appalachians and the Rockies are considered to have evolved from mountain belts in the very distant geologic past.

  8. In the 1960s nuclear power was expected to provide most of the additional electrical energy needed for the rest of the century.

  9. Large-scale development is taking place in northern Alaska to extract oil and natural gas, even though the area is protected.

  10. The Atacama is generally believed to have been predominantly dry for at least the last 40 million years.

  11. The ground water of the Sahara is to be found mainly in seven major basins.

  12. The present topography of the German-Polish lowland seems to be the result of the last glaciation.

  13. If an aquifer is overlain by an impermeable stratum, it is likely to be under pressure that will cause the water to rise above the top of the aquifer when it is penetrated by a well.

  14. Huge reservoirs of water to be studied and exploited are believed to be buried below the arid surface of the great Sahara desert.

  15. Lateral movements of water which make up the greatest oceanic currents appear to be the result of the trade winds and prevailing westerlies.

  16. To interpret geologic history of the earth is possible only in the light of the processes that are observed to be operating on the earth today.

  17. Many changes in the temperature of great masses of ocean water are known to have been discovered by oceanographers.

  18. Gravity causes weathered rock to move downhill.

  19. Not enough water reaches the Aral Sea to maintain it, so, year by year, the lake grows smaller.

  20. Where tectonic plates collide, the earth’s surface is compressed and buckles up to form mountains, known as “fold” mountains.


  1. Александрийский ученый Эратосфен (Eratosthenes) первым рассчитал размеры нашей планеты.

  2. Геологические разрезы (geological sections) позволяют ученым составить наглядное представление об условиях залегания пород на глубине.

  3. Вероятно, что разрушение озонового слоя было вызвано чрезмерным использованием фреонов.

  4. Ученые полагают, что небулярная (nebular) гипотеза имеет слишком много противоречий.

  5. Посчитано, что Альпы в момент формирования слагающих их пород простирались на 600-1200 км.

  6. Повышение температуры вызывает таяние ледников.

  7. М.Рид первым сформулировал гипотезу расширяющейся Земли в конце ХIХ века.

  8. Расчеты показывают, что объем пыли, поднятой средней бурей, достигает 25 км3.

  9. Известно, что скорость разрушительного воздействия текучих вод (flowing water) неодинакова для различных участков земной поверхности.

  10. Гипотезу горизонтального дрейфа континентов (continental drift) А. Вегенер (Wegener) пытался обосновать палеонтологическими палеоклиматическими данными начала XX века. Однако некоторые из них оказались весьма спорными.

  11. Говорят, что северное побережье Швеции поднялось на 900 футов.

  12. Как известно, было сделано много попыток, чтобы добраться до Северного полюса.

  13. В древности считали, что Земля является центром вселенной.

  14. Предполагают, что замедление вращения Земли может быть связано с сокращением ее размеров. По подсчетам, сокращение радиуса Земли достигает 4,5 см в столетие.

  15. Известно, что солнце – основной источник света и внешнего тепла на Земле.

  16. Аэровизуальные наблюдения позволяют нам оперативно получать предварительные сведения о рельефе местности и характере обнаженности (exposure) горных пород.

  17. Молтен и Чемберлин (Molten and Chamberlin) полагали, что Земля и другие планеты произошли от солнца.

  18. Сообщают, что производство стали постоянно увеличивается.

  19. Использование современных технологий позволило ученым получить более точные данные.

  20. Древние астрономы считали, что на Марсе есть жизнь (to be inhabilited).

  21. Современные спутники позволяют метеорологам предсказывать погоду с большой точностью.

  22. Норвежец Руаль Амундсен первым достиг Южного полюса.

  23. На Земле, по-видимому, не осталось необитаемых островов.

  24. Правительство стимулирует производителей использовать современные очистительные технологии.