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Diabetic Emergencies



Sandhya Talekar and Jayant Shelgaonkar


A 63-year-old male patient with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes mellitus was brought to the emergency department with altered sensorium and breathlessness since 24 h. On examination, he was found to be febrile with a temperature of 101°F. His pulse rate was 130/min regular, and blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg. He had a Glasgow coma score of 9. His random plasma glucose on arrival was 963 mg/100 mL.

Diabetic emergencies consist of hyperglycemic conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) HHS diabetic state, and hypoglycemic emergencies.

All these emergencies may be life-threatening, but if they are properly identified and treated, a gratifying result can be obtained. DKA usually occurs in young patients with type 1 diabetes who are insulin dependent, and HHS usually occurs in the elderly with type 2 diabetes on either oral hypoglycemic agents or on insulin. The basic pathophysiological difference is absence of circulating insulin in DKA and some residual insulin present in HHS, which prevents lipolysis, and ketosis, coupled with impaired renal function leads to severe hyperglycemia and a hyperosmolar state.

S. Talekar, M.D., F.I.S.C.C.M.(*)

Department of Intensive Care Unit, Shree Medical Foundation, Prayag Hospital, Pune, India e-mail: sandhyatalekar@hotmail.com

J. Shelgaonkar, M.D., FRCA

Department of Intensive Care Unit, Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Pune, India

R. Chawla and S. Todi (eds.), ICU Protocols: A stepwise approach,


DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-0535-7_59, © Springer India 2012



S. Talekar and J. Shelgaonkar



59.1Hyperglycemic Emergencies

59.1.1 DKA and HHS

Step 1: Start initial resuscitation (refer to Chap. 78)

Urgently insert two wide-bore intravenous peripheral catheters for volume infusion.

A central line is needed in presence of hypotension, lack of peripheral access, multiple infusions, severe acidosis, and impaired cardiorespiratory or renal parameters.

Airway should be maintained as HHS patients could be obtunded on presentation.

Hyperventilation is prominent with acidosis and may require assisted breathing.

Step 2: Take focused history and perform physical examination

History of insulin omission in a diabetic patient is common and often points toward a diagnosis of DKA.

A thorough physical examination helps in finding a cause/possible focus of infection which is often a cause for the hyperglycemic crisis.

Step 3: Send essential investigations

Serum glucose

Serum electrolytes, Na, K, chloride, Mg, phosphate (with calculation of the anion gap)

Blood urea nitrogen and plasma creatinine (may be spuriously high due to chemical analysis interference with ketones)

Serum bicarbonate

Complete blood count with differential count

Urinalysis and urine ketones by dipstick

Plasma osmolality

Serum ketones

Arterial blood gas


Serum amylase, lipase

Chest X-ray

Infection screening

Step 4: Infuse fluid

Patients with DKA and HHS usually have severe hypovolemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin leading to osmotic diuresis.

Average fluid loss in DKA and HHS is 3–6 and 8–10 L, respectively. Approximately half of total fluid deficit is replaced in first 12 h and remaining over next 12–24 h depending on the initial response.

Restore intravascular volume rapidly with either colloids or isotonic saline. Aim is to restore the circulating volume rapidly and then correct interstitial and intracellular fluid deficits.

59 Diabetic Emergencies




In hypotensive patients, use colloids or crystalloids to restore circulating volume. More important than the type of fluid used is the rapidity with which the circulating volume is restored.

Initially, give a bolus of 1 L of isotonic saline or 500 mL of colloid to correct shock. This is given over 30 min. Subsequently, fluid may be given at rates of 50–200 mL/h till hypovolemia is corrected.

Irrespective of initial serum sodium, which may be high in HHS, initial crystalloid fluid resuscitation should be with 0.9% saline as hypovolemia correction should be given precedence over osmolality correction with hypotonic fluid.

Clinical signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and skin perfusion may be used as guides to fluid resuscitation. In patients with HHS, comorbidities like renal and cardiac dysfunctions warrant more close monitoring of hemodynamics.

Hypotonic (0.45%) saline resuscitation may be appropriate in the nonshocked and hypernatremic patients (after correcting for high blood glucose) patient as hypotonic saline does not correct hypovolemia rapidly. This might also be appropriate in patients with concomitant potassium infusion to maintain isotonicity of infusion fluid. Calculate free water deficit to assist fluid replacement in patients with hypernatremia (see Chap. 56) and replace with dextrose or enteral water.

Replace total body water losses slowly with 5% glucose solution (50–200 mL/h) once circulating volume and serum sodium are restored (usually when the blood glucose falls to <200 mg/dL). This is in order to avoid sudden osmolarity changes, which may lead to cerebral edema and convulsions, seen more frequently in the pediatric age group.

Step 5: Correct electrolyte abnormalities

The average sodium loss is 400–700 mmol, and average potassium loss is 250–400 mmol in DKA.

Serum sodium is usually high in HHS and variable in DKA. The measured sodium value should be corrected to a true sodium value. For each 100 mg/dL increase in blood glucose above 200 mg/dL, serum sodium decreases by 2.4 mEq/L.

Replacement of serum potassium should begin early in the management of DKA as serum potassium concentration does not reflect total body potassium accurately. Potassium replacement should begin as soon as serum potassium concentration is less than 5.5 mEq/L. Target potassium concentration is 4–5 mEq/L.

Ensure adequate urine output before replacing intravenous potassium.

Guideline for replacing potassium is as follows:

– If K is less than 3.5 mEq/L, give K at 40 mEq/h (given diluted in a liter).

– If K is 3.5–5.0 mEq/L, give K at 20 mEq/h.

– If K is more than 5.0 or anuric, no supplements are required.

Potassium concentration falls precipitously after starting treatment with insulin and correction of acidosis, which leads to intracellular shift of potassium.

Potassium should be added to 0.45% saline instead of 0.9% saline to avoid hypertonicity of infused fluid.

If potassium is less than 3 mEq/L, avoid insulin initially and replace potassium first.


S. Talekar and J. Shelgaonkar



Hypomagnesemia occurs early in the course of DKA and requires correction. Monitor serum magnesium levels.

Phosphorous depletion is common in DKA. Replacement is advised when it is severely depressed (<1 mg/dL).

Sodium bicarbonate infusion: metabolic acidosis improves with restoration of intravascular volume and tissue perfusion. There is a limited role of bicarbonate therapy as it has not been shown to improve outcome in DKA. Moreover, bicarbonate therapy is associated with adverse effects such as increased paradoxical

intracellular and cerebrospinal fluid acidosis, increased CO2 production, adverse effect on tissue oxygenation, and post resuscitation metabolic alkalosis.

Bicarbonate therapy may be considered in the following situations:

When pH is persistently less than 7.0 after 2–3 h of treatment

When hypotensive shock is unresponsive to rapid fluid replacement and persistent severe metabolic acidosis

In severe hyperkalemia

Even in these circumstances, bicarbonate can only “buy time” until other treatment corrects acidosis.

Bicarbonate may be given as an infusion of 100 mEq over 4 h with frequent arterial pH monitoring.

Step 6: Start intravenous insulin infusion

Insulin therapy should be started only after fluid and electrolyte resuscitation is underway. Specially ensure that the potassium level is more than 3.5 mEq/L.

Restoration of intravascular volume brings down the blood glucose levels even prior to insulin therapy.

Prepare a regular insulin infusion of 1 unit/mL and infuse by the infusion pump.

Use regular (rapid acting) insulin as 0.1 U/Kg body weight as a bolus dose and then 0.1 U/Kg/h as a continuous infusion or 0.14 U/Kg body weight as a continuous infusion without a bolus dose.

Initially, measure the blood glucose level 1-hourly. If the blood glucose level does not decrease by 50–75 mg/dL/h, the rate of insulin infusion should be doubled.

Titrate the insulin infusion rate to blood glucose levels.

Once the blood glucose level reaches 250 mg/dL, decrease insulin infusion to 0.5 IU/Kg/h.

Remember that intravenous insulin has a half-life of 2.5 min. It is important that the insulin infusion is not interrupted.

Rate of reduction of blood glucose should be less than 50–75 mg/dL/h.

Rapid correction of blood glucose levels could lead to cellular edema seen mainly in pediatric population, which can lead to convulsion and electrolyte disturbances (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypophosphatemia).

Step 7: Monitor effectiveness of therapy clinically and biochemically

The following features indicate clinical improvement:

– Increased sense of well-being

59 Diabetic Emergencies




Decreased tachycardia

Decreased tachypnea

Improved mental status

Able to take oral food

The following biochemical parameters should be followed:

Serum glucose below 200 mg/dL in DKA and below 250–300 mg/dL in HHS.

Serum bicarbonate more than 18 mEq/L.

Venous pH more than 7.30.

Serum anion gap less than 12 mEq/L or delta anion gap/delta bicarbonate improving—due to sodium chloride resuscitation, these patients develop nonanion gap metabolic acidosis, so anion gap may still be falsely high in the patient who is improving.

Decreasing glycosuria.

Urine or serum ketones by nitroprusside test are not reliable parameters to follow as this test predominantly measures acetoacetate and acetone, whereas b-hydroxybutyrate is the predominant ketone in severe DKA, which is not measured usually in the laboratory. There may be a paradoxical rise of serum or urinary ketones as patients improve due to conversion of beta-hydroxybutyrate to acetone and acetoacetic acid.

Stabilizing urea, creatinine.

Plasma effective osmolality (exclude urea in osmolality calculation) below 315 mosmol/Kg.

Step 8: Switch to subcutaneous insulin when stable

Maintain IV insulin until biochemically stable and the patient has taken at least two meals.

Switch to subcutaneous regular insulin with half dose of total intravenous insulin requirement either as a fixed dose or sliding scale insulin as per protocol (see Chap. 60).

IV infusion should be stopped 2 h after the first dose of subcutaneous insulin.

Step 9: Identify precipitating factors

They should be sought and treated. Common precipitants include the following:

Missed insulin therapy

Infections—pneumonia, sepsis, urinary tract infection



Myocardial infarction



Steroid use

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